
The cljs Read-eval-print-loop that really understands you

Primary LanguageClojure


The cljs Read-eval-print-loop that really understands you



  • auto-completion
  • rich formatting of cljs objects
  • parinfer

src/reepl/example.cljs is the main on that page, and you can see how this lib can be used.

Building yourself

Make sure you git submodule update --init.

Grab the latest boot (version 2.5.5 at the time of writing), run boot dev, and then open http://localhost:3002.

Things you can configure

  • how statements are eval'd (replumb-based setup available for your convenience)
  • how completion works (replumb-based fn used in the example has completion for js/ as well!)
  • how documentation is gotten (the example uses a custom impl based on cljs source)
  • how values are displayed (the example uses cljs-devtools for formatting most things)

Extra Dependencies

  • codemirror: you can see in build.boot how to get the css imported correctly
  • parinfer-codemirror: check out the build.boot for this too, and I'm currently using a custom fork

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