# Project Bojack Project Bojack is an online application with intention of being used to track the condition of and work done on horses by employees of `The Ferrier Center`. ## Installing Dependencies Our project depends on several node packages, which are specified in `package.json`. To install all dependencies, run `npm install` (or `npm i` for short). Any time you pull code from GitLab, you should run `npm install` again if any new packages have been added to `package.json`. All packages will be "installed" in `node_modules`, so if you think there's something wrong with an installed package, you can simply delete that folder and run `npm install` again. (Some versions of `npm` support the `npm clean-install` command, which will do this for you). ## MongoDB Setup To Interface with the database first you must create an account on the cluster, to do this 1. Go to https://cloud.mongodb.com and login. 2. Click on the cluster. 3. Under the Security header click on `Database Access`. 4. Click on `ADD NEW USER`. 5. Create your account for the database, You should only need the read and write permissions. **It is recommended not to use special characters.** ![Important Locations for cluster access](public/images/ClusterAccess.png) To get your IDE to connect properly with the cluster you must either find or make a `.env` file in the root directory of the project and then configure the following two _environment variables_: ``` MONGO_USER='username' MONGO_PASS='password' ``` Change `'username'` and `'password'` to your actual MongoDB username and password. ## Configure Port In `.env`, you can specify the desired port number, e.g.: ``` PORT=80 ``` ## Set up NodeMailer credentials and Jsonwebtokens In `.env`, add the following lines Ensure the Gmail account you use allows less secure apps ``` GMAIL_USER='' GMAIL_PASS='' JWT_KEY='bb8710e8f071a10891b1e256a69c0e4c5fbd7c8724e7202703093f6327b4ff625461e516e6a8dcd35c1d60309a4b3c56b4f2a322a1b049255dca82d331b30d41' ``` ## Disable database tests Testing the database takes pretty long, and slows down the testing suite. Since those tests will probably never fail anyway, you can skip them by adding ``` TEST_DB='false' ``` to your `.env` file. ## Set up new routes and revisions Routes have beed extracted to a new folder, routes, and new files index.js, horse.js, user.js index.js and updated to work with this new structure Routes now fit under a general route prefix. The current files are below. ``` / /user /horse /admin ``` For example all routes related to horse go in the horse.js file under routes. Some have been updated. ``` /horse /horse/all /horse/:id /horse/new ``` For routes like register, login and logout they reside in the index.js file. ``` /login /logout /register ``` Admin related routes are in admin.js some have been updated. ``` /admin /admin/register ``` Add new routes to the appropriate file in the routes folder. The prefix is automatically added by index.js in the root folder. A /horse/:id/delete route would be added in a route method as ``` router.post("/:id/delete", ... ``` NOT as ``` router.post("/horse/:id/delete"... ``` When refering to a route in a redirect or html form action use the whole route name including the prefix. For example a redirect to /horse/:id/ no matter from which file it is called even inside horse.js router file uses this exact spelling ``` /horse/:id/ ``` NOT ``` /:id/ ``` # the-farrier-center