Example code and data for Self-Organising Map (SOM) development and visualisation. Author: Shane Lynn Contact: @shane_a_lynn / www.shanelynn.ie Date: 31/01/2014 Run R file "2014-01 CSO_SOM.R" line by line in RStudio to see SOM details. This example works with Irish census data from 2011 in the Dublin area, develops a SOM and demonstrates how to visualise the results. An accomanying blog post is available online, along with an extensive set of slides that contain a secondary grocery shopping example. Data Sources: Ireland Census data: http://www.cso.ie/en/census/census2011smallareapopulationstatisticssaps/ Ireland Boundary files: http://www.cso.ie/en/census/census2011boundaryfiles/ Links: Blog post: http://www.shanelynn.ie/self-organising-maps-for-customer-segmentation-using-r/ Accompanying presentation: http://www.slideshare.net/shanelynn/2014-0117-dublin-r-selforganising-maps-for-customer-segmentation-shane-lynn
Using Kohonen self organising maps in R for customer segmentation and analysis.