Ansible and ACS Policy-as-Code demo

A demonstration showcasing GitOps policy-as-code approaches with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (ACS) and Ansible.

Preparing the demo environment

Fork this repo to your own account.


Create a new 'StackRox API integration' admin token in Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (ACS) and copy the value.

StackRox API token 1

StackRox API token 2

Update the Ansible vault.yml to reference your ACS cluster and the API token.

vaulted_acs_token: your-acs-admin-token


Create the components in Ansible Automation Platform required to orchestrate policy updates.


Create a new project, and replace the URL with your forked copy of this repo. Ensure that the following options are checked:

  • Discard local changes before syncing
  • Delete the project before syncing
  • Update revision on job launch

Ansible ACS project


Create a new Vault credential

Ansible ACS Vault credentials


Create an inventory for Localhost, with a host for Ensure that the ansible_connection: local variable is specified for the host.

Ansible localhost inventory 1

Ansible localhost inventory 2


Create a new template in Ansible, specifying the following:

  • Inventory: Localhost (from above)
  • Project: ACS Policy as Code source (from above)
  • Playbook: playbooks/update.yml
  • Credentials: Vault (from above)

Select 'Enable Webhook' and save the template. A new webhook token will be provided once the template is saved.

Ansible ACS template 1

Ansible ACS template 2


Navigate to Settings in your forked repo and select Webhooks.

Ansible ACS webhook 1

Select Add webhook and configure a new webhook using the Ansible webhook endpoint.

Ansible ACS webhook 2

Running the demo

Find a policy in ACS, such as Curl in Image. Verify that the policy is currently disabled.

Ansible ACS Policy 1

Find the corresponding JSON file, in this case Curl in Image.json. Update the disabled attribute to false.

Ansible ACS Policy 2

Commit and push the change to your repo, and verify that the Ansible automation jobs start.

Ansible ACS Policy 3

Ansible ACS Policy 4

Once the Ansible automation jobs complete, verify that the policy is now Enabled.

Ansible ACS Policy 5