
a demo of generating a static site with React, React-Router, and Webpack

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repo is a demo of static-site-generator-webpack-plugin, showing you how to generate a static site with React, React-Router, and Webpack.

It is inspired by Jxnblk's article "Static Site Generation With React Aad Webpack".


First, clone the repo.

$ git clone https://github.com/ruanyf/webpack-static-site-demo.git

Second, install the dependencies.

$ cd webpack-static-site-demo
$ npm intall

Third, generate the static files.

$ npm run build

Now, you should see the static files under the dist subdirectory.

Finally, run the server.

$ npm start

Visit http://localhost:8080 . You will find it serves a static site, and at the same time has the experience of single page App.


Webpack config

The static-site-generator-webpack-plugin add a handler function into webpack's configure.

var StaticSiteGeneratorPlugin = require('static-site-generator-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    new StaticSiteGeneratorPlugin('main', paths, {template: template, bundlejs: 'bundle.js'})

Note you have to compile the Webpack's output module into the format of UMD or CommonJS.

output: {
  filename: 'index.js',
  path: 'dist',
  * You must compile to UMD or CommonJS
  * so it can be required in a Node context: */
  libraryTarget: 'umd'

Constructor's Arguments

static-site-generator-webpack-plugin's constructor accepts three arguments.

function StaticSiteGeneratorWebpackPlugin(renderSrc, outputPaths, locals) {
  this.renderSrc = renderSrc;
  this.outputPaths = Array.isArray(outputPaths) ? outputPaths : [outputPaths];
  this.locals = locals;

(1) renderSrc

renderSrc is asset file's name or chunk name. For example, webpack.config.js looks like the following.

// webpack.config.js
  entry: {
    main: './index.js'
  output: {
    path: 'public',
    filename: 'bundle.js',
    libraryTarget: 'umd'

Then the renderSrc could be main or bundle.js.

(2) outputPaths

outputPaths is an array which comprises the static site's paths.

var paths = [

if your outputPaths is the above, output will be the following.

  • /index.html
  • /app/index.html
  • /inbox/index.html
  • /calendar/index.html

If the providing paths end in .html, you can generate custom file names other than the default index.html.

var paths = [

(3) locals

locals is an object which you put every extra property into.

plugins: [
  new StaticSiteGeneratorPlugin('index.js', paths, { template: template }),

In the above code, a template property could be get from locals.

You also can get three default properties from locals.

  • locals.path: The path currently being rendered
  • locals.assets: An object containing all assets
  • locals.webpackStats: Webpack's stats object

Entry file

The entry JavaScript file looks like the following.

// Client render (optional):
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
  // Client render code goes here...

// Exported static site renderer:
module.exports = function render(locals, callback) {
  callback(null, locals.template({ html: '<h1>' + locals.path + '</h1>' }));

The entry file should be a CommonJS module which exports a function to generate the static html file.

The exported function receives two arguments:

  • locals object. We usually put the template into locals.template.
  • callback function. It receives two arguments: err object and html string provided by static-site-generator-webpack-plugin. If no error, callback transfers the html string to Webpack to write down on hard disks later.
