SWIG Go and C++ Example

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This repo is an example of bindings created via SWIG between C++ example


  • swig to generate language bindings (http://www.swig.org/svn.html)
  • goloang for running the shared library
  • c++ compiler for creating the shared libraried (use g++)

Generate SWIG bindings

swig -go -cgo -c++ -intgosize 64 -outdir gocpp gocpp/gocpp.i

Updates gocpp/gocpp.go and gocpp/gocpp_wrap.cxx.

This needs to be done every time the code for gocpp.cpp and gocpp.h changes.

Compiling go bindings -- Manual

Generate C++ Binary

Works for both MacOS and Linux.

cd gocpp
g++ -std=c++11 -fPIC -c gocpp.cpp gocpp_wrap.cxx
cd ../

Generate lib file

Works for both MacOS and Linux.

g++ -shared -o gocpp/_gocpp.so gocpp/gocpp.o gocpp/gocpp_wrap.o

Test library

go test -v

Compiling python bindings - Auto

Two Options:

  • 1.) You can run the gen_lib file locally and everything will be built
  • 2.) Run docker-compose up -d --build
    • Creates a container that builds all the bindings, creates the c++ binary and creates the library file
    • Creates another container once the build one finishes that runs the tests