
CLI tool for downloading all files required to do an OpenShift 4.x installation into a disconnected environment.

Primary LanguageGo


This is a Golang implementation of openshift4-mirror. The purpose behind this was to make distribution easier.

Executable files can be downloaded from the releases page. Also a docker image ghcr.io/shanedell/openshift4-mirror-go.


  • build - creates local docker image localhost/openshift4-mirror:latest. This image included the needed packages installed, code and prebuilt binary openshift4_mirror.
  • shell - opens an interactive shell to local docker image. If the local docker image does not exist it will be created.
  • bundle - downloads/bundles different parts of OpenShift content, based on args given.
  • prune - prunes index images, currently only support redhat-operators, so you don't have to use/download all operators.


  • Currently prune only supports pruning the redhat-operators index image.
  • Currently prune only seems to work on Linux with Podman (not tested with Linux and docker).


Root Usage:

openshift4_mirror - CLI for mirroring OpenShift 4 content.

  openshift4_mirror [flags]
  openshift4_mirror [command]

Available Commands:
  build       build the container image
  bundle      bundle the OpenShift content
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  prune       prune the Red Hat Operator index image
  shell       open a shell in the container environment

      --bundle-dir string             directory to save downloaded content
  -c, --containerRuntime string       container runtime. supported options [docker, podman]. if not specified, code looks for both and uses whichever is found first.
      --containerRuntimePath string   full to container runtime. needed if executable not in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
  -h, --help                          help for openshift4_mirror
      --pre-release                   pre-release version of OpenShift
  -r, --target-registry string        target registry to tag the image with (default "example.registry.com")

Use "openshift4_mirror [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Build Usage:

build the container image

  openshift4_mirror build [flags]

  -h, --help   help for build

Global Flags:
      --bundle-dir string             directory to save downloaded content
  -c, --containerRuntime string       container runtime. supported options [docker, podman]. if not specified, code looks for both and uses whichever is found first.
      --containerRuntimePath string   full to container runtime. needed if executable not in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
      --pre-release                   pre-release version of OpenShift
  -r, --target-registry string        target registry to tag the image with (default "example.registry.com")

Shell Usage:

open a shell in the container environment

  openshift4_mirror shell [flags]

  -h, --help   help for shell

Global Flags:
      --bundle-dir string             directory to save downloaded content
  -c, --containerRuntime string       container runtime. supported options [docker, podman]. if not specified, code looks for both and uses whichever is found first.
      --containerRuntimePath string   full to container runtime. needed if executable not in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
      --pre-release                   pre-release version of OpenShift
  -r, --target-registry string        target registry to tag the image with (default "example.registry.com")

Bundle Usage:

bundle the OpenShift content

  openshift4_mirror bundle [flags]

      --catalog-version string                  version of images to use for catalogs
      --catalogs strings                        the catalog(s) content to download. catalogs: [redhat-operators, certified-operators, redhat-marketplace, community-operators]. defaults to all
      --certified-operator-index-image string   version of image to use for certified-operator catalogs
      --community-operator-index-image string   version of image to use for community-operator catalogs
  -h, --help                                    help for bundle
  -v, --openshift-version string                the OpenShift version (e.g. 4.5.11)
      --platform string                         target platform for install. platforms: [aws, azure, gcp, metal, openstack, vmware]
      --pull-secret string                      the content of your pull secret (can be found at https://cloud.redhat.com/openshift/install/pull-secret)
      --redhat-marketplace-index-image string   version of image to use for redhat-marketplace catalogs
      --redhat-operator-index-image string      version of image to use for redhat-operator catalogs
      --skip-catalogs                           skip downloading of catalog content
      --skip-existing                           skip downloading content that already exists on disk (default true)
      --skip-release                            skip downloading of release content
      --skip-rhcos                              skip downloading of RHCOS image

Global Flags:
      --bundle-dir string             directory to save downloaded content
  -c, --containerRuntime string       container runtime. supported options [docker, podman]. if not specified, code looks for both and uses whichever is found first.
      --containerRuntimePath string   full to container runtime. needed if executable not in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
      --pre-release                   pre-release version of OpenShift
  -r, --target-registry string        target registry to tag the image with (default "example.registry.com")

Prune Usage:

prune the Red Hat Operator index image

  openshift4_mirror prune [flags]

  -f, --folder-name string    folder name for the pruned catalog (default "pruned-catalog")
  -h, --help                  help for prune
  -o, --operators strings     the operator(s) desired. Rest are pruned out
      --opm-version string    version of opm to download/use (default "latest-4.9")
      --prune-image string    image to prune (default "registry.redhat.io/redhat/redhat-operator-index:v4.10")
  -t, --target-image string   complete image name to tag final image as. (default "example.com/redhat-operators-index:latest")
      --type string           index image prunnings type. supported options: [sqlite, file] (default "sqlite")
      --use-alpha             use opm alpha to generate dockerfile instead of opm generate

Global Flags:
      --bundle-dir string             directory to save downloaded content
  -c, --containerRuntime string       container runtime. supported options [docker, podman]. if not specified, code looks for both and uses whichever is found first.
      --containerRuntimePath string   full to container runtime. needed if executable not in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin
      --pre-release                   pre-release version of OpenShift
  -r, --target-registry string        target registry to tag the image with (default "example.registry.com")