This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:6060 with your browser to see the result.


ㄧ、 Router system

  1. App/page
  2. Route group -> (main)、(store)
  3. Layout -> (main)/layout、(store)/layout
  4. Loading -> (main)/loading
  5. Error -> (main)/error
  6. Dyamic route -> (main)/ISR/[postId]

二、 Rendering

  1. SSR -> cache: "no-store", implement streaming ssr
  2. SSG -> cache: "force-cache" or empty
  3. ISR -> next: { revalidate: 10 } (main)/ISR/[postId], check ISR/4 in devtool's network tab.
  4. CSR -> skip duplicate api call (Cache-Status: MISS | HIT)

三、 Component

  1. Client component -> components/client
  2. Server component -> components/server

四、 styles

  1. Css
  2. Styled-component (> v6.0.0) -> styles/registry、(store)/layout

五、 utils

  1. Metadata -> (main)/layout、(store)/layout
  2. Next/font -> (main)/layout、(store)/layout
  3. Next/image -> (main)/page
  4. Next/link -> (main)/page

六、 others

  1. middleware
  2. BE api