Show how to proxy requests from the Application Insights Javascript SDK instead of sending telemetry directly to This allows you to do things such as use your own custom domain and/or hide the Instrumentation Key.
- You'll need to use something like Azure API Management or Azure Functions to create a new API endpoint to call and proxy the telemetry over to the Application Insights URL It needs to accept OPTIONS and POST.
- Configure the endpointUrl option in the client-side Javascript to point to your API.
As an example, I used Azure API Management to act as my new telemetry endpoint which forwards to Application Insights. The purpose of this scenario was to ensure that all telemetry was sent back to the same domain my app is hosted on, in this case I previously ran into scenarios where customers were filtering, but whitelisted my apps domain. This allows me to collect telemetry data where it would have otherwise been blocked.
Create an Azure API Management resource and add your custom domain. In my scenario, I used
Add a new blank API and set as the Web service URL
Add an operation and specify the OPTIONS method.
Add a second operation and specify the POST method.
Select All operations, and then Add policy to Inbound processing.
Within inbound, use set-header to create a new header attribute with the name iKey and the value should be configured to your Instrumentation Key.
<base />
<set-header name="iKey" exists-action="override">
<base />
<base />
<base />
- Add the script reference for the Application Insights Javascript SDK like you would normally. Remove instrumentationKey and add endpointUrl to the configuration. Note that I also hosted the SDK locally to avoid pulling from
<script type="text/javascript">
var appInsights=window.appInsights||function(a){
function b(a){c[a]=function(){var b=arguments;c.queue.push(function(){c[a].apply(c,b)})}}var c={config:a},d=document,e=window;setTimeout(function(){var b=d.createElement("script");b.src=a.url||"",d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode.appendChild(b)});try{c.cookie=d.cookie}catch(a){}c.queue=[];for(var f=["Event","Exception","Metric","PageView","Trace","Dependency"];f.length;)b("track"+f.pop());if(b("setAuthenticatedUserContext"),b("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"),b("startTrackEvent"),b("stopTrackEvent"),b("startTrackPage"),b("stopTrackPage"),b("flush"),!a.disableExceptionTracking){f="onerror",b("_"+f);var g=e[f];e[f]=function(a,b,d,e,h){var i=g&&g(a,b,d,e,h);return!0!==i&&c["_"+f](a,b,d,e,h),i}}return c
endpointUrl: ""