
Explores various methods of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS and the MEAN Stack.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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Retrieving and Displaying Data with AngularJS and the MEAN Stack

Project created for 2-part blog post series: Retrieving and Displaying Data with AngularJS and the MEAN Stack. Project explores various methods of retrieving and displaying data using AngularJS and the MEAN Stack.

Project architecture based on William Lepinski’s generator-meanstack project with Mongoose and Twitter Bootstrap added.

Project's final method requires you to create and insert a Google API key and search engine ID. See notes below.


Contains examples of retrieving data using various AngularJS methods:

  • Function within AngularJS controller returns array of strings.
  • AngularJS Service returns an array of simple object literals to the controller.
  • AngularJS Factory returns the contents of JSON file to the controller using a resource object (not discussed in post).
  • AngularJS Factory returns a collection of documents from MongoDB Database to the controller.
  • NEW: AngularJS Factory returns results from Google's RESTful Custom Search API to the controller.

GitHub Branches

New branch for project conversion to Google Custom Search created December, 2014.

  • Switch from using Google's Web Search API to Google's CustomSearch API v1.
    • Google's Web Search API was discontinued on September 29, 2014.
  • Environment variable PORT changed to NODE_PORT.
  • Updated all packages in package.json.

New branch for project conversion to ExpressJS 4.x created June, 2014.

  • Converted project to ExpressJS 4.4.1. Good instructions on scotch.io.
  • Updated all Node.js dependencies in package.json.
  • Added project to david-dm.org to monitor Node.js dependencies.

Original code for blog post.


  • Review the generator-meanstack README.md
  • Project requires MongoDB, Node, Express, and Yeoman.
  • Set the NODE_ENV environment variable to the preferred environment (i.e. test).
    • If no NODE_ENV environment variable is set, application defaults to development.
  • Set the NODE_PORT environment variable to the preferred startup port for node (i.e. 3111).
    • If no NODE_PORT environment variable is set, application defaults to port 3000.
  • If using Chrome for Karma test, set the CHROME_BIN environment variable for Karma.
    • i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe.

Installation and Configuration
Run the following commands:

npm install -g generator-meanstack #optional
git clone https://github.com/garystafford/meanstack-data-samples.git
cd meanstack-data-samples
npm install
bower install
mongoimport --db meanstack-$NODE_ENV --collection components components.json --drop # Unix
# mongoimport --db meanstack-%NODE_ENV% --collection components components.json --drop # Windows

Add your own search engine id and your API key to the cse_config.json file.

    "cse_id" : "<your_search_engine_id>",
    "api_key": "<your_api_key>"

To test the application, then start, run the following commands:

grunt test
grunt server


  • Link to main AngularJS test-bootstrap view: http://localhost:3000/#.
  • RESTful call to MongoDB data: http://localhost:3000/api/components.
  • Deferred and Promises used to perform actions asynchronously: $http
  • Karma unit tests included for controller and services.
  • Karma's default port 8080 to 8090 in karma.conf.js
  • Karma configuration file. Port 8080 conflicted with other application that wants to use port 8080 by default.


Chrome for Android:
Chrome on Android