
Personal Emacs configuration

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


My Emacs configuration


$ git clone https://github.com/lunaryorn/.emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d

OS X support

$ brew install trash coreutils

Spell checking

$ brew install aspell --with-lang-de --with-lang-en

Python support

$ pip install -U --user virtualenv pylint ipython

Haskell support

$ cabal install hlint hasktags hoogle present

Shell scripting

$ brew install shellcheck

Markdown support

$ brew install pandoc

Ansible support

$ brew install ansible


My init.el only contains package configuration (with use-package) and Emacs settings, but no functions. I keep my functions in separate files in the lisp/ directory, which I load and configure with use-package.

All 3rd party packages come from MELPA or GNU ELPA. I use the :ensure feature of use-package to automatically install missing packages.

Notable packages