My Emacs configuration
$ git clone https://github.com/lunaryorn/.emacs.d.git ~/.emacs.d
OS X support
$ brew install trash coreutils
Spell checking
$ brew install aspell --with-lang-de --with-lang-en
Python support
$ pip install -U --user virtualenv pylint ipython
Haskell support
$ cabal install hlint hasktags hoogle present
Shell scripting
$ brew install shellcheck
Markdown support
$ brew install pandoc
Ansible support
$ brew install ansible
My init.el
only contains package configuration (with use-package
) and Emacs
settings, but no functions. I keep my functions in separate files in the
directory, which I load and configure with use-package
All 3rd party packages come from MELPA or GNU ELPA. I use the :ensure
of use-package
to automatically install missing packages.
Notable packages
- Package management: use-package and Paradox
- Version control: Magit and Diff Hl
- Fonts: Source Code Pro, with Unicode Fonts
- Color theme: Solarized Light
- Mode line: Anzu, and Fancy Battery
- Buffers: ibuffer-vc
- Minibuffer: SMex, Ido Ubiquituous, Ido Load Library, Flx and Ido Vertical Mode
- Visual guides: Page Break Lines and Rainbow Delimiters
- Undo and killing: Undo Tree, Browse Kill Ring and Easy Kill
- Region and editing: Expand Region, Multiple Cursors, and Visual Regexp
- In-buffer navigation: ACE Jump Mode and Imenu Anywhere
- Syntax checking: Flycheck and Flycheck Pos Tip
- Auto-completion: Company Mode, Company Math
- Symbols: Highlight Symbol
- Project navigation: Projectile
- Search: Ag and wgrep
- Lisp: Paredit
- Emacs Lisp: Macrostep, Elisp Slime Nav and Flycheck Cask
- Python: Anaconda Mode and Company Anaconda
- Haskell: Haskell Mode, hindent and Flycheck Haskell
- Rust: Flycheck Rust
- OCaml: Tuareg, Merlin and Flycheck OCaml
- Theorem proovers: Proof General
- Web: SX