Use MacVim as IDE for developing JavaScript/HTML/SCSS/Python/Ruby/CommonLisp/...
git clone ~/.vim
cd ~/.vim
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Build DoctorJS
- Build YouCompleteMe (NOTE: neocomplcache is used by default)
cd ~/.vim
git pull origin
-:tabe ~/.vim/vimrc<cr>
-:noh<cr>:set nocrb<cr>
- :Tabularize<F1>
- :help<F2>
- :GundoToggle<F3>
- :call MyLint()<F4>
- :call MyMake()<F5>
- :call QFSwitch()<F6>
- :call LLSwitch()<F7>
- :call MySetBreakPoint()<F8>
- :call MySetLog()<F9>
- :call MyRemoveBreakPoint(),/
- :Ag<D-C>
- :Clam<D-p>
- :CtrlP,be
- (normal open),bs
- (force horizontal split open),bv
- (force vertical split open),yr
- :YRShow,ss
- :SaveSession,so
- :OpenSession,sd
- :DeleteSession,sc
- :CloseSession,sv
- :ViewSession,R
- quickrun,r
- :MRU,fb
- :FufBuffer,ff
- :FufFile,fd
- :FufDir,fa
- :FufBookmark,fm
- :FufAddBookmark,fc
- :FufChangeList,vp
- :VimpanelLoad default,vl
- :VimpanelLoad,nt
- :NERDTree,nc
- NERDCommenterComment,n<space>
- NERDCommenterToggle,nm
- NERDCommenterMinimal,ns
- NERDCommenterSexy,ni
- NERDCommenterInvert,nn
- NERDCommenterNest,nu
- NERDCommenterUncomment,nl
- NERDCommenterAlignLeft,nb
- NERDCommenterAlignBoth,mt
- Toggles ShowMarks on and off.,mh
- Hides an individual mark.,ma
- Hides all marks in the current buffer.,mm
- Places the next available mark.,cl
- :VCSVimDiff,cv
- :VCSLog,cd
- :VCSVimDiff,tl
- TaskList,tb
- :TagbarToggle,l
- slimv_leader,<tab>
- :Sscratch,cal
- : Vertically-split calendar,caL
- : Horizontally-split calendar,di
- to start DrawIt,ds
- to stop DrawIt.
For auto-completion:
For snippets:
For Emmet:
:SuperRetab 2 4
More features: