
Timetable app (webapp) for SLIIT students of all years

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Build status: Netlify Status

Timetable App

This web app is made for SLIIT students of all years and all specializations The timetables of selected groups/batches have been added by volunteers

Screenshot of the final webapp

URL - https://timetableapp.netlify.app/



How to use 👇

  1. Enter your name/nickname
  2. Select your batch/group from the available dropdown lists (only those groups that have been added will be displayed)
  3. You'll see the timetable for the current day and ongoing (current) lecture
  4. You don't need to enter the details again (the app saves everything in your browser as cookies)

How to contribute? 🤝

You can contribute to the project on github. Here's how you can do it.

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Clone it on your local machine
  3. Checkout a branch on local with your name/issue number or checkout an existing branch or whatever is suitable
  4. Do your part for the project
  5. Review everything, commit and push to your github repository
  6. Create a pull request comparing your branch with the development branch or the relevant existing branch of the main repository !! Make sure you do NOT compare to the main branch
  7. That's all. Your contribution will be reviewed and merged with the main repository 🙌

Students from batch 2021
