
This is our web engineering semester project.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Description

Basically It is cinema website for users. Here user can book see full schedule of movies and can book seats for movie. additionally In this project I have implemented login/register account functionality. And If user want to see the movies details such as trailer, rating, genre.etc. it can.

How to run project

To start with project you need following tools:

After statifying above requirements:
Clone repository, extract it and open cmd
Run cd cinema-website, to move inside project directory
Run npm install, to install dependency for fronted
Run cd backend, to move inside backend module of project
Run npm install, to install dependency for backend
Run npm createDemoDB.js, to create demo database
Run npx nodemon index.js, to run backend server
Run cd .., to move inside fronted moldule
Run npm start, to run react project