Global Source - JavaScript Form Validator
composer require shankar-thiyagaraajan/javascript-form-validator
Why javascriptFormValidator ?
- It's developed by Core JavaScript.
- It supports most of browsers.
- Light Weight Library
- Very Simple Implementation.
- PowerFull Form Management.
Steps to Integrate to Form :
<script src="./../src/js/formValidator.js"></script>
Then Integrate your form with Validator.
var data = {
form: 'new_ticket_form', // Required.
warning_color: 'aa0000', // Optional.
new_class: 'test' // Optional.
// Validation Will Init Here.
Currently the validation will trigger on submit button trigger.
It has automated listener to eliminating unnecessary changes on form.
Validation take place between tags, so need to specify the ID
of the Form or any other tags.<form id="newUser"> </form> // Preferred <div id=newUser> </div> // Not-Preferred [but it supports]
Input Fields should specify the type of validation.
////////////////////For General Input Validation//////////////////////////////////////// // For Simple Require. <input type="text" required name="name"> // For Min Restriction. <input type="text" required min=2 name="name"> // For Max Restriction. <input type="text" required max=16 name="name"> // For E-Mail Validation. <input type="email" required name="name"> // For Password Match Validation. <input type="password" required match="field_name" name="password"> ////////////////////For Select Validation//////////////////////////////////////////// //For Simple Required <select class="" required> <option value="-"></option> // Value '-' is used to represent empty. <option value="...">...</option> <option value="...">...</option> <option value="...">...</option> </select> ////////////////////For Textarea Validation////////////////////////////////////////// // For Simple Required <textarea required>.....</textarea>
Every Input Fields should have a Label with FOR attributes.
<label for="uname">Name :</label> <input type="text" name="uname" required>
Form Tag Should use "novalidate" to Avoid Browser level validation.
<form method="POST/GET.." action="PATH TO HANDLE" ... novalidate> ... ... </form>
This will support to avoid interrupts from browsers.
ex. Chrome Browser
It Will listen the Submit button event Automatically.
So No Need to use <input type="submit"..... onClick="validate()" .....>
Adjust your CSS with the following,
input {
display: block !important;
span {
display: inline !important;
label {
display: inline !important;
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