
GitHub Action for repo2docker

Primary LanguageShell

repo2docker GitHub Action

Trigger repo2docker to turn your GitHub repository into a Jupyter enabled docker image. This will automatically attempt to build an environment from configuration files found in your repository in the manner described here.

Read the full docs on repo2docker for more information: https://repo2docker.readthedocs.io

The only docker registry supported at the moment is Dockerhub.

Recommended Usage

You must copy the contents of your repository to use this action as illustrated below:

name: Build Notebook Container
on: [push] # You may want to trigger this Action on other things than a push.
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - name: checkout files in repo
      uses: actions/checkout@master

    - name: try-local-build
      uses: machine-learning-apps/repo2docker-action@master
        IMAGE_NAME: "your_username/your_image_name"

Mandatory Inputs

  • DOCKER_USERNAME: description: Docker registry username
  • DOCKER_PASSWORD: description: Docker registry password
  • IMAGE_NAME: description: name of the image. Example - myContainer

Optional Inputs

  • NOTEBOOK_USER: description: username of the primary user in the image. If this is not specified, the username in $GITHUB_ACTOR is used.


  • IMAGE_SHA_NAME: description: The name of the docker image, which is tagged with the SHA.
  • IMAGE_URI description: The URI on DockerHub that corresponds to the image.