
EOLANG, the Programming Language

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

What this repository is for?

This repository proposes a new transcompilation model of EO programs to Java source codes.
Moreover, this repository has the documentation on the language and its standard library as well as a collection of examples (see the sandbox directory).

The old (CQFN) model is depicted here.

And the visualization of our model can be found here.
Also you might want to read a draft of our paper that describes the model.

How is this transpiler better?

Our transcompilation model has two great advantages:

  1. It if much faster than the CQFN original implementation.
  2. The output Java code is much easier to read and comprehend. The runtime library is also much more readable and understandable.

You can see the difference in performance of the old and the new models below: This model is faster! Please, refer to this Google Sheet for more comparisons.

Table of Contents

The EO Programming Language Reference

This section covers the basic principles that the EO programming language relies on. These are objects, attributes, and four elemental operations — abstraction, application, decoration, and dataization.


Objects are a centric notion of the EO programming language. Essentially, an object is a set of attributes. An object connects with and links other objects through its attributes to compose a new concept that the object abstracts.
An abstract object is an object that has at least one free attribute.
This is an example of an abstract object:

[a b] > sum
  a.add b > @
  a > leftOperand
  b > rightOperand

A closed object is an object whose all attributes are bound.
These are examples of closed objects:

# Application can turn an abstract object to a closed one
sum 2 5 > closedCopyOfSum
# Abstraction can declare closed objects
[] > zero
  0 > @
  "0" > stringValue
  # Closed objects may have abstract attributes
  [x] > add
    sum 0 x > @ 
  # And closed attributes, too
  [] > neg
    -0 > @
  $.add 1 > addOne


An attribute is a pair of a name and a value, where a value of an attribute is another object. That is because "Everything in EO is an object". Hence, for instance, an attribute name of an object person may be also referred to as plainly the object name of the object person.

Free & Bound Attributes. Binding

Binding is an operation of associating an attribute's value with some object. An attribute may be bound to some object only once.
An attribute that is not bound to any object is named a free attribute. An attribute that has some object associated with its value is called a bound attribute.
Free attributes may be declared through the object abstraction only. Binding may be performed either during object declaration using the bind (>) operator (see the abstraction section for more information) or through object copying (see the application section for details).

Accessing Attributes. The Dot Notation

There are no access modifiers in the EO programming language. All attributes of all objects are publicly visible and accessible. To access attributes of objects, the dot notation is used. The dot notation can be used to retrieve values of attributes and not to bind attributes with objects.

Example. The Horizontal Dot Notation
(5.add 7).mul 10 > calc
Example. The Vertical Dot Notation
mul. > calc

Here, add is an attribute of the object 5 and mul is an attribute of the attribute object add (or, more precisely, an attribute of an object that add abstracts or dataizes to, which is an integer number int).

The @ attribute

The @ attribute is named phi (after the Greek letter φ). The @ character is reserved for the phi attribute and cannot be used for any other purpose. Every object has its own and only @ attribute. The @ attribute can be bound to a value only once.
The @ attribute is used for decorating objects. An object bound to the @ attribute is referred to as a decoratee (i.e., an object that is being decorated) while the base object of the @ attribute is a decorator (i.e., an object that decorates the decoratee). Since the @ attribute may be bound only once, every object may have only one decoratee object. More on the decoration see in this section.
Besides, the @ attribute is heavily used in the dataization process (see this section for more information).

The $ attribute

The $ character is reserved for the special attribute self that every object has. The $ attribute is used to refer to the object itself.
The $ attribute may be useful to use the result of the object's dataization process for declaring other object's attributes.
The $ attribute may be used to access attributes of an object inside of the object with the dot notation (e.g., $.attrA), but this notation is redundant.

The ^ attribute

The ^ attribute is used to refer to the parent object.
The ^ attribute may be used to access attributes of a parent object inside of the current object with the dot notation (e.g., ^.attrA).

[] > parentObject
  42 > magicNumbe
  [] > childObject
    24 > magicNumber
    add. > @
      ^.magicNumber # refers to the parent object's attr
      magicNumber # refers to $.magicNumber


Abstraction is the operation of declaring a new object. Abstraction allows declaring both abstract and closed, anonymous and named objects.
If we are to compare abstraction and application, we can conclude that abstraction allows broadening the field of concepts (objects) by declaring new objects. Application allows enriching the objects declared through abstraction by defining the actual links between the concepts.


The abstraction syntax includes the following elements:

  1. (optional) One or more comment lines before (e.g., # comment).
  2. A sequence of free attributes in square brackets. The sequence may be:
    1. Empty ([]). In this case, the declared object has no free attributes.
    2. Containing one or more attribute names ([a] or [a b c d e]). In this case, the listed attribute names are the free attributes of the declared object.
    3. Containing a variable-length attribute ([animals...]). The attribute must be at the end of the list of attributes to work properly. Internally, this attribute is represented by the array object.
  3. (optional) Binding to a name ( > myObject). Declared objects may be anonymous. However, anonymous objects must be used in application only (i.e., we can only supply anonymous objects for binding them to free attributes during application).
  4. (optional) The object may be declared as constant (i.e., dataized only once (see this section)), if the object is bound to a name (see #3). For this, the ! operator is used.
  5. (optional) The object may be declared as an atom (i.e., its implementation is made out of the EO language (for instance, in Java)) if the object is bound to a name (see #3). For this, the / operator is used (for example, /bool).

Anonymous Abstraction

There are two types of anonymous abstraction: inline and plain multi-line.
Plain Multi-line Anonymous Abstraction

[a b]
  a.add b > @

The same can be expressed in just one line.
Inline Anonymous Abstraction

[a b] a.add b


abstraction ::= ( COMMENT '^' )*
               '[' ( attribute ( ' ' attribute )* )? ']'
                ( (' ' '>' ' ' label '!'?) ( ' ' '/' NAME )? )?
attribute ::= label
label ::= '@' | NAME '...'?
NAME ::= [a-z][a-z0-9_A-Z]*

Railroad Diagram
Abstraction Railroad Diagram


# no free attributes abstraction
[] > magicalObject
  # here we use application to define an attribute
  42 > magicalNumber

  # and here we use abstraction to define an attribute
  [a] > addSomeMagic
    # application again
    magicalNumber.add a > @

# variable-length attribute abstraction
[a b c args...] > app
  # the next five lines are examples of application
  stdout > @
      args.get 0
      magicalObject.magicalNumber.add a

# anonymous abstraction
[args...] > app
  reduce. > sum
    [accumulator current] # <--- this is anonymous abstraction
      add. > @

# inline anonymous abstraction
[args...] > app
  reduce. > sum
    # inline anonymous abstraction
    [accumulator current] accumulator.add (current.toInt)


Application is the operation of copying an object previously declared with abstraction optionally binding all or part of its free attributes to some objects.
If we are to compare abstraction and application, we can conclude that abstraction allows broadening the field of concepts (objects) by declaring new objects. Application produces more concrete and specific copies of objects declared through abstraction by defining the actual links between the concepts by binding their free attributes.


The application syntax is quite wide, so let's point out the constituents to perform the application:

  1. An object being applied/copied.
    1. It may be any existing (i.e., previously declared) object of any form — abstract, closed, anonymous, or named.
    2. It may be also an attribute object. In this case, both horizontal and vertical dot notations can be used to access that attribute object.
  2. A sequence of objects to bind to the free attributes of the applied object. The sequence may be placed in-line (horizontally) or vertically, one indentation level deeper relatively the copied object level. The sequence may be:
    1. Empty. In this case, the applied object will stay abstract or closed, as it was before.
    2. Containing one or more objects. In this case, the listed objects will be bound to the free attributes of the applied object in their order of appearance.
    3. Containing one or more objects with names after each (like 1:a 5:b 9:c). In this case, the listed objects will be bound to the corresponding free attributes of the applied object.
  3. (optional) Binding to a name ( > myObject).
  4. (optional) The copied object may be declared as constant (i.e., dataized only once (see this section)), if the object is bound to a name (see #3). For this, the ! operator is used.

Partial Application

This implementation of the EO programming language DOES NOT support partial application yet. It was one of the design desicion made. However, it might change in future!

Essentially, application is used to bind free attributes of abstract objects to make their concrete and more specific copies. Application allows binding arbitrary number of free attributes, which can be used to partially apply objects.

# abstract object
[a b] > sum
  a.add b > @

# we can partially apply it to create a new, more specific concept
sum 10 > addTen
# we can apply this copied object, too
addTen 10 > twenty


# here application with no binding
42 > magicalNumber

# horizontal application of 
# the add attribute of the magicalNumber
magicalNumber.add 1 > secondMagicalNumber

# vertical application
# & application inside application
sub. > esotericNumericalEssence


Decoration is the operation of extending one object's (the decoratee) attributes with attributes of the other object (the decorator). Through decoration, the decorator fetches all the attributes of the decoratee and adds up new own attributes. Hence, the decorator represents the decoratee with some extension in the functionality.


The decorator's @ attribute should be bound to the decoratee object in order to perform the decoration operation.
The syntax for the decoration operation is as follows:

[] > theDecorator
  theDecoratee > @

Here, theDecorator can access all the attributes of theDecoratee and use them to define its own attributes.


Say, we have the purchase object that represents a purchase of some item that has a name, cost, and quantity. The purchaseTotal decorates it and adds new functionality of calculating the total.

[itemName itemCost itemQuantity] > purchase
  itemName > @

[] > purchaseTotal
  purchase > @
  mul. > total

Now we can access all attributes of purchase and purchaseTotal through a copy of purchaseTotal.


Dataization is the operation of evaluation of data laying behind an object. The dataization process (denoted hereby as D(something)) is recursive and consists of the following steps:

  1. D(obj) = obj if obj is a data object. Data objects are int, float, string, char, bytes.
  2. If the obj is an atom (atoms are objects that are implemented outside EO), then D(obj) is the data returned by the code behind the atom.
  3. Otherwise, D(obj) = D(obj.@). That is, if the object is neither data nor an atom, then the object "asks" its decoratee to find the data behind it.

It is important to note that if the @ attribute of the object (or any underlying object in the dataization recursive evaluation tree) is absent (free), then the dataization will fail.
If we want to dataize the object x, all objects and attributes that are used in the definition of the @ attribute of the x will be dataized. Like this, if we want to dataize the attribute x.attr, all objects and attributes that are used in the definition of its @ attribute will be dataized.
The opposite is true. If the attribute x.attr or the object x itself are not used in the declaration of y, then D(y) will not dataize them and they will not be evaluated and executed. Thus, the dataization operation may be referred to as the lazy object evaluation (i.e., EO dataizes objects only when this is needed).

! — Dataize Only Once

not implemented

The EO Standard Object Collection

This section covers The EO Standard Object Collection which is a library of utility objects for writing programs in EO.

Data Type Objects

The EO Programming Language and The EO Standard Object Collection defines these data type objects: bool, int, float, string, char.

bool Data Type Object

The bool data type object represents a boolean value (either true or false) that can be used for performing logical operations.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.bool (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).


The bool data type object may be parsed by the EO compiler directly from the source code. The syntax rules for bool values are as follows.
EBNF Notation

BOOL     ::= 'true'
           | 'false'

Railroad Diagram
The Bool Data Type Railroad Diagram

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout
[args...] > app
  stdout > @


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: true
OUT>: false
if Attribute

The if attribute object is used for value substitution based on a condition that can be evaluated as a bool object.
The if attribute object has two free attributes:

  1. t for the substitution if the base bool object is true.
  2. f for the substitution if the base bool object is false.

If the if attribute object is fully applied, it represents the corresponding substitution value.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      "%s\n%s\n%s\nThe max(2, 5) is: %d\n"
        "the first value is true"
        "the first value is false"
        "the second value is true"
        "the second value is false"
        2.less 3
        "2 is less than 3"
        "2 is not less than 3"
      (5.less 2).if


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: the first value is true
OUT>: the second value is false
OUT>: 2 is less than 3
OUT>: The max(2, 5) is: 5
not Attribute

The not attribute object represents a bool object with the inversed inner value of its base bool object.
The not attribute object has no free attributes.


In this example, all the answers from the previous example (the if attribute section) are inversed with the not attribute.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      "[NOT Edition (all the answers are inversed with .not)]\n%s\n%s\n%s\nThe max(2, 5) is: %d\n"
        "the first value is true"
        "the first value is false"
        "the second value is true"
        "the second value is false"
        (2.less 3).not
        "2 is less than 3"
        "2 is not less than 3"
      (5.less 2).not.if


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: [NOT Edition (all the answers are inversed with .not)]
OUT>: the first value is false
OUT>: the second value is true
OUT>: 2 is not less than 3
OUT>: The max(2, 5) is: 2
and Attribute

The and attribute object represents logical conjunction on a variety of bool objects.
The and attribute object has one free attribute x for the bool objects (conjuncts). x may be empty or may have any number of bool objects.

If the and attribute object is applied, it represents the conjunction of the base bool object and all the objects bound to the x attribute.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  true > a
  true > b
  true > c
  false > d
  stdout > @
      "a && b = %b\na && b && c = %b\na && b && c && d = %b\n"
      a.and b
      a.and b c


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: a && b = true
OUT>: a && b && c = true
OUT>: a && b && c && d = false
or Attribute

The or attribute object represents logical disjunction on a variety of bool objects.
The or attribute object has one free attribute x for the bool objects (disjuncts). x may be empty or may have any number of bool objects.

If the or attribute object is applied, it represents the disjunction of the base bool object and all the objects bound to the x attribute.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  false > a
  false > b
  false > c
  true > d
  stdout > @
      "a || b = %b\na || b || c = %b\na || b || c || d = %b\n"
      a.or b
      a.or b c


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: a || b = false
OUT>: a || b || c = false
OUT>: a || b || c || d = true
while Attribute

This implementation of the EO programming language DOES NOT support the bool.while standard attribute. This was the conceptual design decision that might change in future!

The while attribute object is used to evaluate its f free attribute until the base bool object is not false.
The f attribute object must have the free attribute i (the current iteration of the while loop).
On dataization, the while attribute object evaluates to the number of iterations the loop took.
Since objects are immutable, the memory object should be used as the loop condition (i.e., the base bool object of the while attribute). Moreover, the memory object should be changed somehow inside the f, otherwise the while will evaluate infinitely.

+package sandbox
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf

[args...] > app
  memory > x
  seq > @
    x.write 0
      x.less 11
        seq > @
            sprintf "%d x %d x %d = %d\n" x x i (x.mul (x.mul i))
          x.write (x.add 1)

Here, the i attribute of the f iteration object is used to find the x^3. However, the i attribute may stay unused inside the f.

IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 0 x 0 x 0 = 0
OUT>: 1 x 1 x 1 = 1
OUT>: 2 x 2 x 2 = 8
OUT>: 3 x 3 x 3 = 27
OUT>: 4 x 4 x 4 = 64
OUT>: 5 x 5 x 5 = 125
OUT>: 6 x 6 x 6 = 216
OUT>: 7 x 7 x 7 = 343
OUT>: 8 x 8 x 8 = 512
OUT>: 9 x 9 x 9 = 729
OUT>: 10 x 10 x 10 = 1000

float Data Type Object

The float data type object represents a double-precision 64-bit IEEE 754 floating-point number and can be used to perform various FPU computations.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.float (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).


The float data type object may be parsed by the EO compiler directly from the source code. The syntax rules for values are as follows.
EBNF Notation

FLOAT    ::= ( '+' | '-' )? [0-9]+ '.' [0-9]+

Railroad Diagram
The Float Data Type Railroad Diagram

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 1.500000
OUT>: -3.710000
eq Attribute

The eq attribute object is used for testing if two float objects are equal.
The eq attribute object has one free attribute x of type float that is the second object (the first object is the base object of the eq attribute).
If the eq attribute object is applied, it represents the result of the equality test (either true (if the objects are equal) or false (otherwise)).

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      1.5.eq 1.5
      -3.71.eq 3.71


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: true
OUT>: false

string Data Type Object

The string data type object represents a string literal.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.string (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).


The string data type object may be parsed by the EO compiler directly from the source code. The syntax rules for values are as follows.
EBNF Notation

STRING   ::= '"' ( '\"' | [^"] )* '"'

Railroad Diagram
The String Data Type Railroad Diagram

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      "Hello, "
      "World! Welcome to The \"EO Docs\"!"


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: Hello, World! Welcome to The "EO Docs"!
eq Attribute

The eq attribute object is used for testing if two string objects are equal.
The eq attribute object has one free attribute x of type string that is the second object (the first object is the base object of the eq attribute).
If the eq attribute object is fully applied, it represents the result of the equality test (either true (if the objects are equal) or false (otherwise)).

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      "".eq ""
      "Hey".eq "Hey"
      "Hey".eq "hey"


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: true
OUT>: true
OUT>: false
trim Attribute

The trim attribute object is used for trimming the base string object (i.e. trim is a string with whitespace removed from both ends of the base string).
The trim attribute object has no free attributes.
If the trim attribute object is applied (called), it represents the resulting trimmed string.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      "  Hello There  ".trim
      "            !           ".trim


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: Hello There!IN$: 

Here, the \n escape sequence is trimmed as it is a whitespace character.

toInt Attribute

The toInt attribute object is used for parsing the base string object as an int object.
The format of the base string object must be as described below:

  1. The first character of the string literal may be either + or -. This indicates the sign of the int value. The sign may be omitted (in such a case, the number is positive).
  2. All the other characters of the string literal must be decimal digits (0-9).

If the format of the base string object is incorrect, the toInt attribute will fail on its application.
The toInt attribute object has no free attributes.
If the toInt attribute object is applied (called), it represents the parsed int object.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 1700
OUT>: -1500
OUT>: 8
OUT>: 0

int Data Type Object

The int data type object represents a 64-bit integer number.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.int (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).


The int data type object may be parsed by the EO compiler directly from the source code. The syntax rules for values are as follows.
EBNF Notation

INT      ::= ( '+' | '-' )? [0-9]+

There is also an alternative syntax for hexadecimal numerals (i.e., with the base 16). This notation implies only non-negative values.

HEX      ::= '0x' [0-9a-f]+

Railroad Diagram
The Int Data Type Railroad Diagram
And an alternative notation for HEX integers:
The Int Data Type Railroad Diagram (HEX Notation)

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      0xf.add 1


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: -157
OUT>: 1009283
OUT>: 16
OUT>: 0xa
eq Attribute

The eq attribute object is used for testing if two int objects are equal.
The eq attribute object has one free attribute x of type int that is the second object (the first object is the base object of the eq attribute).
If the eq attribute object is fully applied, it represents the result of the equality testing (either true (if the objects are equal) or false (otherwise)).

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      15.eq (0xf.add 1)


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: true
OUT>: false
less Attribute

The less attribute object is used for testing if its base int object is less than its x free attribute (i.e. $ < x).
If the less attribute object is fully applied, it represents the result of the testing (either true (if the base object is less than x free attribute of the less) or false (otherwise)).

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      -7.less 0


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: true
OUT>: false
add Attribute

The add attribute object is used to calculate the sum of its base int object and the free attribute x of type int (i.e. $+x).
If the add attribute object is fully applied, it represents the resulting sum of the integer numbers.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      -16.add 0x10


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 32
OUT>: 0
sub Attribute

The sub attribute object is used to calculate the difference between its base int object and the free attribute x of type int (i.e. $-x).
If the sub attribute object is fully applied, it represents the resulting difference of the integer numbers.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      -16.sub 0x10


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 0
OUT>: -32
neg Attribute

The neg attribute object is used to negate its base int object (i.e. -$).
If the neg attribute object is applied (called), it represents the resulting negation of the base int object.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      (17.add 3).neg
      17.neg.add 3


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: -5
OUT>: -16
OUT>: -20
OUT>: -14
mul Attribute

The mul attribute object is used to calculate the product of its base int object and the free attribute x of type int (i.e. $ × x).
If the mul attribute object is fully applied, it represents the resulting product of the integer numbers.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      -7.mul 0
      13.mul 1
      ((10.mul 10).mul 10).mul 10
      10.mul 10.mul 10.mul 10


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 0
OUT>: 13
OUT>: 256
OUT>: 10000
OUT>: 10000
div Attribute

TODO (does not work properly at the moment)

mod Attribute

The mod attribute object is used to calculate the floor remainder of the integer division of its base int object by the x free attribute (i.e. $ fmod x).
If the mod attribute object is fully applied, it represents the resulting floor modulus (remainder).
The modulus for x = 0 is undefined. The resulting floor modulus has the same sign as the divisor x.
The relationship between the mod and div operations is as follows:
(x div y) * y + x mod y == x

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      2.mod 1
      7.mod 5
      113.mod 10
      113.mod -10
      -113.mod 10
      -113.mod -10


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 0
OUT>: 2
OUT>: 3
OUT>: -7
OUT>: 7
OUT>: -3
pow Attribute

The pow attribute object is used to calculate the power of its base int object and the free attribute x of type int (i.e. $^x).
If the pow attribute object is fully applied, it represents the resulting power of the base int object raised to the power of the x attribute.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      2.pow 10
      -2.pow 3
      2.pow -10
      2.pow 0
      2.pow 1


IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 1024
OUT>: -8
OUT>: 0
OUT>: 1
OUT>: 2

Here, 2^(-10) results in 0 as well as raising all the integer numbers (except 0) to the negative power (-1, -2, -3, ...).

char Data Type Object

The char data type object represents a single character.

The char object is not implemented yet, hence the char cannot be used for now.

Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.char (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).


The char data type object may be parsed by the EO compiler directly from the source code. The syntax rules for values are as follows.
EBNF Notation

CHAR     ::= "'" [0-9a-zA-Z] "'"

Railroad Diagram
The Char Data Type Railroad Diagram

Command Line Interface Output

The EO Standard Object Collection contains two objects for the CLI output: sprintf for strings formatting and stdout for plain text output.

Plain Text Output. stdout

For plain text output, the stdout object is used.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.io.stdout.


The stdout object has one free attribute text that should be bound to the text to print.
The object bound to the text attribute must be of string type.
The stdout does not put the End of Line character at the end of the output, so the \n escape sequence should be used in case if such a behavior is needed.
For the complete list of escape sequences supported by stdout, see the corresponding section of the article.

Example 1. The Plain Old “Hello, World”
+package sandbox
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  (stdout "Hello, World!\n") > @
IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: Hello, World!
Example 2. Print the First Word of the User's Input
+package sandbox
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
IN$: ./run.sh Hello Bye Thanks Ok
OUT>: HelloIN$: 

Note: here, the Hello is printed with no EOL character at the end of the line because of the absence of it in the user input.

Formatting Strings. sprintf

For strings formatting, the sprintf object is used.
String formatting is the process of data injection into the string, optionally applying format patterns to the data.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf.


The sprintf object has two free attributes:

  1. format for the format string that describes the formatting of the resulting string.
  2. args for the data being injected into the string. args may be empty or may have any number of objects. args must be consistent with the format (i.e., the number and the types (as well as their order) of the objects in the format and the args should be the same).

If the sprintf object is fully applied, it represents the resulting formatted string.
For the format syntax reference, see this article.

Example. Format 'Em All
+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  sprintf > formatted_string
    "int: %d, bool: %b, string: %s\n"
    (2.less 0)

  (stdout formatted_string) > @

IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: int: 2, bool: false, string: Hey

Random Number Generation. random

Not implemented yet in this version of the transpiler!

The EO Standard Object Collection contains the random object for generating a cryptographically strong random number.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.random (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).


The random object has no free attributes. When applied, the random object represents the generated random number that is immutable (i.e. cannot be changed). So, every time the new random number is needed, the new application (initialization) of the random object is needed.
The resulting random number represented by the random object is of type float.
The value is in the range 0.0 (inclusive) to 1.0 (exclusive).


+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  sprintf > formatted_string
    "the 1st random: %f\nthe 2nd random: %f\nthe 3rd random:%f\n"

  (stdout formatted_string) > @

IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: the 1st random: 0.125293
OUT>: the 2nd random: 0.074904
OUT>: the 3rd random:0.958538


The EO Standard Object Collection contains the array object for working with arrays of objects.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.array (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).

get Attribute

The get attribute object is used to retrieve an object stored at the position i of the base array object.
The position i must be within 0 and the length of the array inclusively.
When applied, the get attribute object represents the object stored at the position i of the base array object.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  stdout > @
      args.get 0
      args.get 1

In this example, the args array is used that consists of the CLI parameters passed to the program.

IN$: ./run.sh Hello, World!
OUT>: Hello,
OUT>: World!

append Attribute

The append attribute object is used to append the x object at the end of the base array object.
When applied, the append attribute object represents the resulting array object with the x at the end of it.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  args.append "New Element!" > argsExtended
  stdout > @
      argsExtended.get 0
      argsExtended.get 1
      argsExtended.get 2

In this example, the args array is used that consists of the CLI parameters passed to the program.

IN$: ./run.sh Hello, World!
OUT>: Hello,
OUT>: World!
OUT>: New Element!

reduce Attribute

The reduce attribute object is used to perform the reduction operation of its base array object. The reduction is a process of accumulating a set of objects into one aggregated object.
The reduce attribute object has two free attributes:

  1. a for the initial value of the accumulator.
  2. f for the object that represents the reduction function. It must have two free attributes:
    1. The first attribute is the current value of the accumulator.
    2. The second attribute is the current object of the array.

The f attribute object aggregates the objects of the array in the accumulator. Objects of the array arrive into the f in the order these objects are stored in the array.
When applied, the reduce attribute object represents the resulting reduced accumulator object.

+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  [accumulator current] > reduceFunction
    add. > @

  reduce. > sum

  stdout > @

In this example, the args array is used that consists of the CLI parameters passed to the program. The array of numbers passed into the program is reduced into the sum of its elements.

IN$: ./run.sh 1 2 3 4 5
OUT>: 15

map Attribute


mapi Attribute


Sequencing Computations. seq

In this implementation of the EO langage, please, use the array.each attribute.

The EO Standard Object Collection contains the seq object for sequencing computations.
The seq object has one free attribute steps that may have an arbitrary number of steps that will be evaluated one by one, from the beginning to the end in the sequential order.
The seq object starts the dataization process for each of the objects bound to the steps attribute of it.
On dataization, the seq object evaluates into the bool object true.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.seq (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).


+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  seq > @
    stdout "Hello\n"
    stdout "These objects\n"
    stdout "will be dataized\n"
    stdout "one by one, in sequential order\n"

IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: Hello
OUT>: These objects
OUT>: will be dataized
OUT>: one by one, in sequential order

Mutable Storage in Memory. memory

This implementation of the EO programming language DOES NOT support the memory standard object. This was the conceptual design decision that might change in future!

The EO Standard Object Collection contains the memory object for mutable storage in RAM.
Fully Qualified Name: org.org.eolang.memory (no aliasing or FQN reference required since the object is automatically imported).
Usage To use the memory object, the following steps are needed:

  1. Make a copy of the memory object and bound it to some attribute.
  2. To put an object into the memory object, the write attribute object is used. It has the x free attribute that is the object to put into the memory. The write attribute evaluates to true on dataization.
  3. To retrieve the object stored in the memory, dataization of the memory object is used.
+package sandbox
+alias sprintf org.org.eolang.txt.sprintf
+alias stdout org.org.eolang.io.stdout

[args...] > app
  memory > m
  seq > @
    m.write 1
    m.write (m.add 1)
    m.write (m.add 1)
    m.write (m.add 1)
    stdout (sprintf "%d\n" m)

IN$: ./run.sh
OUT>: 4

How to Contribute

Fork repository, make changes, send us a pull request. We will review your changes and apply them to the master branch shortly, if they don't violate our quality standards. Before sending us your pull request please run the full Maven build to check whether the transpiler is not broken:

$  mvn clean install

You will need Maven 3.3+ and Java 8+.