
Question and Answer Forum Using ReactJs

Primary LanguageJavaScript

DeployD + ReactJs

Real Time Crowd Survey using DeployD + ReactJs





ReactJs-d3-Component(To draw Graph)Link


Clone the Project

$ git clone https://github.com/vishalchandna1/project1

#How To Run?

1. Set up DeployD

install from npm

npm install deployd -g

install on windows

Download the installer.

install on macosx

The macosx installer is deprecated. The recommended way is now npm (npm install deployd -g) and install mongodb separately.

install from source

git clone https://github.com/deployd/deployd.git
npm install
npm link

2. Running the project

  1. Go to the root directory of the project ...\project\ and type "dpd" in your terminal to run the project

  2. After Doing that Your local server has started at port number 2403 and listening for the requests

  3. Open up your browser and open up the URL : localhost:2403 or


IT will open up your dashboard that helps to create collections and emit events.

For more info Link


  1. This page respresents a list of questions.
  2. And you can post a question


Qid = Id of the question that is to be presented to the user

eg. localhost:2403/presentQuestion.html?f5b91ab886325839


mode respresents two types of mode that is Presenter mode and Guest mode

  1. mode = true represent Presenter mode eg. localhost:2403/presentQuestion.html?f5b91ab886325839?true
  2. mode = false represent Guest mode eg. localhost:2403/presentQuestion.html?f5b91ab886325839?false

By Default : mode =false eg. localhost:2403/presentQuestion.html?f5b91ab886325839