
To predict probability of attrition of customer with given telecom data

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Details of the Project

  • Host : Kaggle
  • Partner : Kharagpur Data Analytics Group
  • Duration of competition : May 3, 2021 -> May 11, 2021
  • For more details visit competition page


  • Structure of Dataset is as follows:

    • train.csv [Contains training data]
    • test.csv [Contains 25% of test data]
    • Sample Submission.csv [sample csv file for submission]
  • Prediction column : Customer Attrition

  • Unique ID of customer : ID

  • Dataset contains 14 features related to telecom data:

    `Sex`, `Aged`, `Married`, `Total Dependents`, `Service Span`, `Mobile Service`, `4G Service`, `Cyber Protection`, `Hardware Support`, `Technical Assistance`, `Film Subscription`, `Settlement Process`, `Quarterly Payment`, `Grand Payment`
  • Quarterly Payment, Grand Payment are continuous data columns [In some experiments Service Span is also considered as continuous] and remaining are Categorical columns.


  • I used CatBoost, XGBoost, LightGBM, Histogram Gradient Boosting techniques for training.
  • After training based on obtaied feature importances, Various features were removed and experimented with different combination of features.
  • In some cases I changed Service Span columns as continuous or Bucketed data, but there is no much change in leaderboard score.
  • Finally the best models are ensembled and achieved 80.79% accuracy on 2800 unseen data samples.
  • Even though I experiemnted with many models and enselbling models, kfold cross validation, leaderboard score saturated at around 81% accuracy.
  • Following is one of the feature importance plot obtained from CatBoost training. [Use light model for better visualization of image :)]



  • models folder contains the sample models (.dump format) obtained from 5 fold cross validation training with CatBoost model.


  • This folder consists of logs obtained during training of CatBoost Classifier.


  • The order of score with various models given same data pipeline is as follows : Cat Boost > Light GBM > XG Boost > Histogram Gradient Boosting
  • Note : This order varies with varying Training data and features.