
Simple game written using pygame modules

Primary LanguagePython

CannonShooter is a simple python (Python3) game I made while learing pygame (v1.9.6).

It contains a cannon and flying enemies (mosqutioes). Score will be increased everytime a mosquito is killed. If a mosquito manages to pass over the cannon it will lead to Game Over.


  1. First make sure you have python installed in your computer. You can get it here
  2. Since this game uses modules from pygame, you need to download pygame module from pip. For Windows, just copy paste below line in command prompt

pip install pygame

Download Game here (~3 MB)

After Downloading, extract the zip file and run 'cannon_shooter' file inside the folder.

Press and release space bar to shoot cannon balls. The speed of the shot depends on how long the space bar was pressed (shown at the base of cannon). Don't let the mosquitoes pass the cannon. Enjoy


Credits: Sounds from freesound