
Backend project for APIs (Node.js)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a Node.js backend project with two APIs to get product(s) data from a database. One API fetches a single product by id, and the other API fetches multiple products with options to filter, sort, limit fields, and paginate.

Getting Started


  • Node.js
  • MongoDB


  1. Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/shanmukhipriya99/store-api.git

  1. Install the dependencies:

npm i

  1. Set up the environment variables:
  • Create a .env file in the root directory

  • Set the following variables:

    PORT=3000 # or any other port you want to use


To start the server, run:

npm start

The server will start at http://localhost:<PORT>.

API Endpoints

  • GET /products/:id: Fetches a single product by id
  • GET /products: Fetches multiple products with options to filter, sort, limit fields, and paginate
Query Parameters

The GET /products endpoint accepts the following query parameters:

  • Filter products based on key-value pairs. For example: /products?company=ikea
  • sort: Sort products based on a field. For example: /products?sort=-price will sort products in descending order of price.
  • fields: Select specific fields to return. For example: /products?fields=name,price will return only the name and price fields of the products.
  • page: The page number to return. For example: /products?page=2 will return the second page of products.
  • limit: The number of products to return per page. For example: /products?limit=10 will return 10 products per page.

Built With

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose