
Challenge Excercise

Primary LanguageJava


I used a hybrid Java/Selenium/Cucumber/testNG/Mavenframework that I created in 2017.
This project can be executed from command line using the following : mvn test -P Archive_Reports,Run_Chrome_Paylocity_Challenge_FeatureRunner,Cucumber_HtmlReports,Delete_TargetReports -Dhost=file:///C:/pathto/Paylocity/login.html
It also includes a NetBeans actions file and can be executed in NetBeans by right clicking the pom.xml and selecting RUN MAVEN Run_Paylocity_Challenge_Tests_Chrome
Caveat: First Tests find the first Major Bug
Cucumber reports can be accessed in the Automation Reports folder. Automation Reports\Latest Results\cucumber-html-reports\feature-overview.html