
Continuum VM for Testdrives and Demos

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


How To Use

Start the guest machine

cd <dir-with-Vagrantfile>
vagrant up

It will prompt you to select the network device, ususally 1 is the right one.

Once the machine has started you can SSH into it.

vagrant ssh

To reload VM changes done to the Vagrantfile (does not run provisioning section by default, pass --provision if you wish to)

vagrant reload

To rerun the provisioning section of the Vagrantfile.

vagrant provision

The docker-continuum directory should be mounted in to the guest machine at /docker-continuum.

You also have access the directory the Vagrantfile lives in at /vagrant on the guest machine.

All changes done to files in synced folders on the host will appear on the guest machine as well.

To add a sync folder on the guest

# Vagrantfile

config.vm.synced_folder "$HOST_DIR", "$GUEST_DIR"

Or, to open a port on the host

# Vagrantfile

config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: $GUEST_PORT, host: $HOST_PORT

To completely destroy the VM in VirtualBox

vagrant destroy

The Vagrantfile is the VM definition so you can repeatedly create and destroy the VM with confidence.