
Catch Coding Test to download orders from a JSON file, process records, and generate a CSV file

Primary LanguagePHP

Catch Code Test

Symfony console command to download a JSON line file from a public S3 Bucket, process the records and generate a CSV file.

Setting up

Before setting up the repo please ensure your system has PHP 7.3+. To download and setup the repo

$ git clone https://github.com/shanprabu/catchtest.git
$ cd catchtest
$ composer install

If not already in the .env file please add the following lines.


For the purpose of testing I have used a MailTrap account for sending the email. The email doesn't actually get delivered to the receiver. Please replace the MAILER_DSN with your own SMTP credentials to test the email feature.

The Google API Key has been added to the .env for geocoding the customer address

Running the script

After composer has successfully installed the required dependencies the script can be run by issuing the following command

$ bin/console order:fetch

This command downloads the file orders.jsonl from the S3 bucket to the storage folder, parses the data and creates the file out.csv in the storage folder. Optionally, you can provide an email address as a parameter to the script to get the CSV emailed.

$ bin/console order:fetch your.name@email.com

Running the unit test

The unit test can be run by issuing the following command

$ bin/phpunit

Contact Information

If you have any queries or encounter any issues while running the command please get in touch with

Shanmuga Prabhu

Email: prabhu.shan@gmail.com

Phone: 0468 347 151