
Job List

Primary LanguagePHP

Sidekicker Coding Challenge


  • Download and extract ZIP file (contains frontend and backend in Lumen)
  • Install dependenies: composer install
  • Configure .env
    • Create database sidekicker in MySQL
    • Update DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD to match your MySQL access settings
  • Run migration: php artisan migrate
  • Run seeder for Location table: php artisan db:seed --class=LocationTableSeeder
  • Download job-list.csv
  • Run the Import CSV artisan command: php artisan importcsv:jobs \full\path\to\job-list.csv.
    • Command will throw and error if the file parameter is not passed
    • Please ensure the file has read permission
    • On successful import you should see the message Finished import
  • To view the list of records
    • Start PHP server - php -S localhost:8000 -t public
    • Open the URL http://localhost:8000 in the browser
    • Page shows list of jobs imported
    • Click on View Applications to see a list of applicants who have applied for the job