
A simple implement of the LMAX Disruptor in Go language.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

###LMAX Disruptor A High Performance Inter-Thread Messaging Library

###Introduction disruptor wiki

###Examples What we should do:

  1. Define our ringBuffer[], BufferSize and so on
  2. Define a consumer class to eat data, we should implement function 'Consume'
  3. New a 'controller', and then, running the consumers and producers.
  4. Everything is done!
    #####1. one producer and one consumer
// 1: main
// define our ringBuffer
ringBuffer = [BufferSize]int64{}

// create a controller
// NewController(BufferSize): Define buffer size. Attention: size should be power of 2.
// AddConsumersGroup(AConsumer{}): add a consumer, we should implement class AConsumer{} by ourselves
// BuildDisruptor(): build one producer process
controller := disruptor.

// consumers start

// producers start

// 2: consumer
type AConsumer struct{}

func (this AConsumer) Consume(lower int64, upper int64) {
	// consume data for ringBuffer
	for lower <= upper {
		message := ringBuffer[lower&BufferMask]
		if message != lower {

// 3: producer
func publish(id int, writer *disruptor.MultiProducer) {
	sequence := disruptor.InitialSequenceValue
	for sequence <= Iterations {
		// producer apply for Reservations slots to write data
		sequence = writer.Next(Reservations)
		// write data
		for lower := sequence - Reservations + 1; lower <= sequence; lower++ {
			ringBuffer[lower&BufferMask] = lower
		// Publish these data, then the data can be used by consumers
		writer.PublishBatch(sequence-Reservations+1, sequence)

Please find the complete implementation in example folder.
Also, there are some other examples: one producer and multi consumers, multi producers and one consumer, multi producers and multi consumers

###Reference The project's implement is imitate from disruptor 1 and disruptor 2