
A Backbone app in Require JS that visualize public LinkedIn profile on Google Map API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#Resume On Map

alt tag

A full stack webapp to allow user to type in public linkedin profile page and visulize their work experience and education on Google MAP API

Master Branch

git clone //add the repo link here
npm install 
grunt dev
  • Run the above code to start your local server:

  • Type in the public linkedin profile page;(the url must be accessible to public)

  • go to your localhost:5000, and Visualize the user's resume on map

singlePage Branch

Source code for http://shanshanzhu.github.io Remove Server side code and use personal data array(injected at scripts/router.js)

Technical Stacks

Backbone/RequireJS/JQuery/Underscore Grunt/Express/Node

Major update

2013.1.24 Final wrap up.

2013.1.20 Major feature complete To be deployed.

2013.1.6 [complete] the user can upload any linkedin publice profile linke (such as www.linkedin.com/pub/shanshan-zhu/34/886/53/ and information on the webpage can be converted to JSON objects on the server side. Also on the server side, the experience/education data is sorted according to the start date(year, or month-year) and pushed into an array, before being sent back to client side.

[complete] With fake geolocation data, the marker can be rendered sequentially on map. [partially complete] The text/job description can show up one letter by one letter

[complete] Set up server/backbone/requireJS/GoogleMap initial load.