
Social Fabric: Tubelet Compositions for Video Relation Detection

Primary LanguagePython


Social Fabric: Tubelet Compositions for Video Relation Detection

This repository contains the code and results for the following paper:

Social Fabric: Tubelet Compositions for Video Relation Detection
Shuo Chen, Zenglin Shi, Pascal Mettes and Cees G. M. Snoek
ICCV 2021


Download VidOR validation annotation file vidor_gt_val_relation.json (link) and put under data/ folder.


Download our method's result file on VidOR validation set social_fabric_vidor_results.tar.gz (link) under results/ folder and tar. Then run:

python evaluate/evaluator.py data/vidor_gt_val_relation.json results/social_fabric_vidor_results

If you find this code useful in your research please cite:

  title={Social Fabric: Tubelet Compositions for Video Relation Detection},
  author={Chen, Shuo and Shi, Zenglin and Pascal, Mettes and Snoek, Cees GM},