With all this internet going around, sometimes you just want to experience the thrill of a long page load. Give your users the chance to enjoy a little slice of the future by slow loading your website's images with ComcastifyJS!
Include comcastify.js on your page, or use the latest version from our CDN:
<script src="http://code.onion.com/comcastify.js"></script>
Prepare the images on your page on document ready (so images don't show up before the box):
Initialize comcastify on window load (so image sizes are properly calculated):
comcastifyjs.fixMyImagesLoadingSoFast({ boxColor: '#123456', loadMaxPercent: 0.75, loadSpeed: 100, loadIncrement: 5 });
Switch up parameters to change your experience:
- elements list of DOM elements to limit comcastification to.
- boxColor Hex color for the box placed over images.
- loadMaxPercent Max percentage of image to load.
- loadSpeed Speed to load your images to their max in ms.
- randLoadIncrement Set to true to make load increment random, loadIncrement ignored in this case.
- loadIncrement Number of pixels to load each time the loadSpeed timer ticks.
- randomPause Probability of skipping a pass each time the loadSpeed timer ticks.
See an example on the project's site at: http://theonion.github.io/comcastifyjs/
Or, see it modeled by these koalas!
Now grab a coffee and enjoy the load times!