
This is my final project for TCS ICON RIO-45

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This is my final project for TCS ION RIO-45

About Project

In this project I have Build various Application for Getting feedback from the user.

The 3 main Features are :

  1. Twitter Based Sentimental Analysis

  2. Text based Sentimental Analysis

  3. Movie based Genre Analysis


A Demo OF all the 3 features is Given Below.

Home page

Twitter Based Sentimnetal Analysis

Text based Sentimental Analysis

Movie based Genre Analysis

Developing Environment


For downloading python just go to https://www.python.org/ and click download click or you can use this link this will download the latest version of python for you https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.8.2/python-3.8.2.exe

after that a .exe file will be downloaded just go through it and "Eureka" you Python is installed


As a developer, I prefer any one of these IDE for the same Pycharm and Anaconda You can use any one of the same.


To install Pycharm

just go through this link and do the needful installation you can also refer to this video tutorial given below for reference

https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/download/ Video reference


To install Anaconda

just go through this link and do the needful installation you can also refer to this video tutorial given below for reference https://docs.anaconda.com/anaconda/install/windows/

Video for reference

Made with ❤️ by Shantam Sultania

About me

I am an Andriod developer, Actions on Google, Internet of things, Alexa Skills, and Image processing developer. I have a keen interest in Image processing and Andriod development. I am Currently Campus Representative at Google developers Group Chandigarh, Facebook Developer circle Chandigarh, and Club Lead at CSE Department Chandigarh University, Punjab.

You can find me at:- Linkedin or Github .

Happy coding ❤️ .