
Custom macro bindings in golang

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


Tiny keybinding utility written in Go. Built for The Key

Note: I don't know why anyone would want to do this, but this is primarily for posterity so I don't forget this entire setup.


To use this program you either need an input device that can emit F17, F18 and F19 or use The Key with the firmware I built.

More details at Drop on how to flash the firmware.


keeb is a tiny go program that can be compiled with

go get
go build cmd/keeb.go # Outputs a binary at ./keeb

Alternatively you can install it globally via

go install # Installs to $GOPATH/bin


keeb # Runs the program if you installed it globally

Ideally you'd be running this a daemon on system start.

That's it! keeb would respond to the binded keys you can pretty much do anything you want with it.