
Simple Podcast API

Primary LanguageTypeScript

code style: prettier

Podcst API is a thin wrapper around the iTunes Search API.

It also offers a robust JSON feed parser for RSS podcast feeds. The API optionally connects to a Redis instance to cache the responses.

The aim of this project is to provide an API for the podcst.app website. Also open-source.


This project uses the gitflow branching model. See the development section below for additional details.

  • master is the production branch
  • develop is the active branch where commits are made


  • Node - node version 8+ for using latest ES2016+ featuers
  • yarn - package manager

Getting the Source Code

Once the prerequisites are installed on your system, you can clone this repository with git and install the code dependencies using yarn.

git clone https://github.com/shantanuraj/podcst-api


The project uses the excellent now CLI tool from zeit.co.

# dev invokes the `now dev` command to run a local server on port 3000
yarn dev

Note: Code changes are hot-reloaded when running yarn dev.

Running Unit Tests

None yet but when they (hopefully exist)

yarn test


The production releases of this website will be hosted on AWS

The following steps, documented here for reference, they require authorized credentails for AWS. These can only be done by an AWS account administrator (such as shantanuraj).

# deploy invokes the `now` command to deploy the code to Zeit's infrastructure
yarn deploy

Built With

  • TypeScript - Much Nicer JavaScript
  • Koa - Simple Web-server
  • now - Serverless deployments


Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for process details on collaborating on this project.


We use SemVer for versioning. For available versions of this softare, see the (releases on this repository).


See the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details
