
Just a quick poc Pokedex

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Available at pokedex.shantanu.vercel.app.


I built this to demonstrate AbortController usage in conjuction with redux-saga. It's quite over-engineered, but it works.

  • Each request is dispatched with a unique key.
  • The host component dispatches a cancellation action with the key on unmount.
  useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
      if (loading) dispatch(apiRequestCancel('pokemons'))
  }, [dispatch, load, pokemons.state]);
  • The api fetch saga races over the network request promise and the cancellation signal.
  const { response, cancel } = yield race({
    response: call(fetch, url, { signal }),
    cancel: take(cancelAction(key))
  • On receiving the cancellation signal or if the saga is cancelled, the controller is aborted.
  try {
    if (cancel) return controller.abort();
  } finally {
    if (yield cancelled()) controller.abort();

Other notes

  • The app bundle is overly split, each route is it's bundle.
  • The search keyboard shortcut (cmd+f / ctrl+f) brings up the search page.