Elucidat Test

To run the tests

Create and activate virtual env:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

Install python libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Install playwright libraries:

playwright install

Run the tests:

behave -f html -o out.html

This will output the result as an html file (out.html).

Any failure videos will be under the videos folder

Tested on Mac & Linux (though should work on Windows)

Test Details

The tests use the gherkin (cucumber) format with behave.

Playwright (https://playwright.dev/python/) is used to automate the browser.

2 tests have been implemented:

  1. Check the header is correct -- a simple test to check the web page loads
  2. Check the score is a digit only -- currently fails (see Bug Report below for details)

Bug Report

The bug report is in "Elucidat Test Report.docx".

There is also a video showing a failure on a mobile in the git repo : elucidat-iphone-bug.MP4


Still to do:

  1. Add more automated tests for the other bugs found, plus a end to end "happy case".

  2. API testing: I'm not sure if there is an API tool (like Swagger). If not, maybe reverse engineer the network calls using the dev tools?

For testing, my preferred choice is Python with a library like requests, but I have used tools like Postman/Insominia.