
Given 10 predefined relations like cause-effect, product-producer, etc, the goal was to define the relation and the direction of the relation b/w 2 entities in a sentence.

Primary LanguagePython



  • Given 10 predefined relations like cause-effect, product-producer, etc, the goal was to define the relation and the direction of the relation b/w 2 entities in a sentence.
  • I did this relation classification task in Python using Tensorflow library.
  • I already had the pre-trained word embedding (glove) to train the data available. I had to setup Parts of Speech tag embedding and parse the shortest dependancy path b/w the 2 entities to build the model and then generate predictions.

Model Implementation

Connectionist Bi-Directional RNN [1] - Representations of centre word along with succeeding & preceding words at any time step t.

  • First I have defined two layers of GRU:

    • Forward Layer: This layer is used to calculate the forward representation of the sentence. Every forward layer returns the sequences of all previous layer representations.

    • Backward Layer: In this GRU layer, to get backward representation, go_backwards flag is set True which reverses whatever sequence that you give to the GRU.

  • Now, using the forward & backward layer, I have extracted forward & backward (reverse) representation of the sequence.

  • Then for every time step (i.e. index variable in model.py), I have extracted word representation from the forward & backward representations.

  • After this, I have calculated the state at timestep t using the equation which is mentioned in [1] paper.

  • After calculating the sequence representation for the whole batch, weighted sum of this final representation is done.

  • This weighted sum is then passed to the decoder layer which basically classifies the each sentence (i.e. sequence) in the batch into 19 relations.

Figure of the model


[1] Combining Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks for Relation Classification