
this is a rails application used by my local crew club to schedule rowing times and boat usage

Primary LanguageRuby

README for Application

-cannot fill the boats unless there are at least 24 hours before the row is scheduled to occur
-autofills the rowers based upon side, includes ambi rowers in both sides
-to use google calendars it must have the googlecalendar gem installed

To send reminders to users set up a cron task that runs every day (it looks for events on the next day) that calls

#{RAILS_ROOT}script/runner -e production "User.email_reminders"

Inputting tide files uses xtide files (http://www.flaterco.com/xtide/)

An example is:

tide -l "South Freeport, Casco Bay, Maine" -b "2009-01-01 00:00" -e "2009-12-31 23:59" -ml 2.05ft -o tides.txt
- Would like to change to have tides optional as a config variable
- Create README