Terminal/ssh/sftp client(linux, mac, win) based on electron/ssh2/node-pty/xterm/antd/subx and other libs.
- https://electerm.github.io/electerm
- From release: https://github.com/electerm/electerm/releases
- For some linux OS, rpm pack may not work, you can try the
release. - For Mac user:
brew install --cask electerm
- With snap:
sudo snap install electerm
- For Deepin Linux user, you can find it from App store.
- Install from npm
npm i -g electerm
# after install it will open at once for windows and linux,
# for mac, will open the drag to install panel
- Auto upgrade: When new version released, you will get upgrade notification after you start electerm again, then you click the upgrade button to upgrade.
- Download: Just download the latest edition, reinstall.
- Npm: If you install from npm, just run
npm i -g electerm
- Work as a terminal/file manager or ssh/sftp client(similar to xshell)
- Global hotkey to toggle window visibility (simliar to guake, default is
ctrl + 2
) - Multi platform(linux, mac, win)
- 🇺🇸 🇨🇳 🇧🇷 🇷🇺 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇹🇷 🇭🇰 🇯🇵 Support multi-language(electerm-locales, contribute/fix welcome)
- Double click to directly edit remote file(small ones).
- Edit local file with built-in editor(small ones).
- Auth with publickey + password.
- Zmodem(rz, sz).
- Transparent window(Mac, win).
- Terminal background image.
- Global/session proxy.
- Quick commands
- Sync bookmarks/themes/quick commands to github/gitee secret gist
Serial Port support(removed after version 1.10.14)- Quick input
- Command line usage: check wiki
Without users's feedbacks/suggestions/pull requests/language files, this project would not get this far, would love to hear from you, please tell me what you think, submit an issue, send me an email, create/fix language files or create a pull requests, all welcome.
# tested in ubuntu16.04+/mac os 10.13+ only
# need nodejs/npm, suggest using nvm to install nodejs/npm
# https://github.com/creationix/nvm
# with node 8.6+
git clone git@github.com:electerm/electerm.git
cd electerm
npm i
# start webpack dev server, requires 5570 port
npm start
# in a separate terminal session run app
npm run app
# lint
npm run lint
# code format fix
npm run fix
npm run pre-test
cp .sample.env .env
# then edit .env, fill your test host/username/password
npm run test
# Tested only in ubuntu 16.04 x64+
# Install yarn first(to do yarn autoclean)
# See https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install
# Build linux only with -l
npm i
npm run pre-test
npm run release -l
# visit dist/
Visit Releases.