- 0
Bear theme for Zed
#28 opened by jfeiwell - 0
#Feature: Bear theme for IDEA
#25 opened by Taktoshi - 6
我装了Dank Mono这个字体,没有你这样的效果
#5 opened by brucmao - 0
Bear theme for Android Studio
#23 opened by reaganitude - 0
The comment out text too dark.
#20 opened by onlineid - 0
little one
#21 opened by yonghangharka - 0
Theme for vim
#19 opened by nomorehumor - 0
Theme-Bear for iterm2 iterminal
#15 opened by ciscohack - 2
Please create theme for webstorm
#10 opened by dindikoff - 2
font name
#12 opened by mdshemul48 - 1
I want to change the text color(not background color, just the words color),whiich profile should I edit?
#9 opened by ysl2 - 1
Distinguish default select bg
#8 opened by shaodahong - 0
inactive bar item hover foreground
#3 opened by shaodahong - 1
Please specify license
#6 opened - 1
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