
An ImGui Menu preset that is somewhat useable.

  • SFML is used for backend.
  • This Menu does not modify ImGui. New elements are added in imgui_custom.hpp (Hotkey Button)


  • Build scripts are available for x64 DEBUG and RELEASE
  • Project will only compile for Windows without modifications


  • Decent Menu to work with
  • Custom Hotkey Button
  • Console Window for Debugging
  • Font Loaded from Memory (Poppins and Fontawesome v.5 for Icons)
  • Overlay for Active Modules Loaded (very improvable)

Features to add

  • Configs Loading and Saving
  • Search Feature
  • Title for Panels
  • Animations?
  • Custom Items

Version 1.1

  • Made ModuleList (HUD) customizeable
  • ModuleList Sorting by ASC not working currently