
Align a face in profile to front view

Primary LanguageC++

##Face Frontalization To align a face in profile to front view. This system is an implemetation of paper "Effective Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images".

Tal Hassner, Shai Harel, Eran Paz, Roee Enbar"

##Usage frontalization [queryImage] [facialPointsFile] [3DModelFile]

(A demo : ./frontalization image.png ../data/facialFeaturePoint.yml ../3DModel/model3D.yml Before running the code, you should modify the "refU.txt" path in 3DModel/model3D.yml according to your settings. Otherwise, you will see "line: 73, file: ../frontalUtil.cpp, message: open /home/cheng/workshop/github/faceFrontalization/3DModel/refU.txt error")

####Parameters frontalization : program name
query image : input image
facialPointsFile : facial feature points detected by SDM
3DModelFile : predefined 3D model (already provided)

##Demo The left one is input image and the right one is output. p1 p2

##Reference "Effective Face Frontalization in Unconstrained Images" by Tal Hassner, Shai Harel, Eran Paz, Roee Enbar