Small project to learn assembly by re-coding a few functions of the libft (first 42 common core project) in assembly, such as strlen etc
- code all functions
- check for errors and set errno, using
extern ___error
- This seems great, by the author of 'What all programmmers should know about memory': Programming from the ground up
- assembly as about talking to the cpu
- cpu reads instructions and executes them one by one with the fetch-execute cycle
- Program Counter ?
- indicates where next instruction to load is
- Instruction Decoder
- cpu loads from memory address that program counter gives, and that's passed to instruction decoder, who handles what to do with it
- operator: function to deal with (arithmetic, moving data, etc)
- operands: memory addresse(s) of data involved in function above
- Data Bus
- retrieves the values at the memory addresses involved in the operation we're trying to compute
- connects CPU to memory. It's actually a wire (a physical wire)
- Registers
- registers are in-cpu memory
- Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU)
- Program Counter ?
- cpu reads instructions and executes them one by one with the fetch-execute cycle
- argument registers: rdi rsi rdx r10 r8 r9
- data (size, define data, reserve data)
- bytes 1 = db = rb
- bytes 2 = dw = rw
- bytes 4 = dd = rd
- bytes 8 = dq = rq
- bytes 16 = dt = rt
- bytes 32 = dq = rq
- bytes 64 = dq = rq
- bytes 128 = dq = rq
- htons (host to network short) by hand. means changing the byte order to network byte order, whatever that is
- print hex value of a number
- swap bytes: 0x16D9 becomes 0xD916
- run strace to debug easily
- strace ./a.out
- compilation
- nasm -f elf64 *.s
- ld *.o
- strace ./a.out
- getting nasm defines
- create c file that imports includes you're interested in
- define nasm constants in nasm syntax
%define socket SYS_socket
- sys/syscall.h gives you the syscall numbers corresponding to functio names
- run gcc -E -P constants.c > constants.txt to get the preprocessed output, including the nasm defines so you can copy paste them in the asm file