Compositional Task Representation in Large Language Models

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Compositional Task Representation in Large Language Models

This repository serves primarily as codebase for training, evaluation and inference of CTR.



In this paper, we propose the Compositional Task Representations (CTR) method that learns a discrete compositional codebook for tasks and generalizes to new unseen tasks by forming new compositions of the task codes. For the inference of CTR, we propose two algorithms - Code Ensemble and Bitwise Search, respectively for zero-label and few-shot settings.


Please find more details of this work in our paper.


  1. Run git clone https://github.com/shaonan1993/CTR.git to download the repo.
  2. Run cd CTR to navigate to root directory of the repo.
  3. Build experimental environment:
    • Download Download docker env from Google Driver or Baidu Driver
    • run command sudo docker run -itd --name codebook -v /[YOU_DIR]:/share --gpus all --shm-size 8gb zxdu20/glm-cuda115 /bin/bash
    • run command sudo docker exec -it codebook bash
    • run command pip install torch-1.11.0+cu115-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl
    • run command pip install transformers==4.15
    • run command pip install datasets==1.16
  4. Download processed training data:
  5. Download and preprocess pretrained model:
  6. (Optional) Download our existing checkpoint from Google Driver or Baidu Driver
  7. (Optional) Download our generated P3 dataset:
    • Manual Prompt Version: Baidu Driver
    • No Prompt Version(inputs are a direct concatenation of multiple text fields): Baidu Driver
    • Note our generated P3 dataset is slight different from original P3 dataset. We remove some unused dataset, drop duplicate examples and fix some bugs.

Tips: We highly recommend everyone to run our code in the same experimental environment, or the results may unexpected due to the loss of precision derived from bfloat16.

Training&Evaluating T0-Large Baseline

  1. Run sh scripts/run_pretrain_t0_large.sh to train a T0-Large baseline from scratch.
  2. Run sh scripts/run_eval_t0_large.sh to evaluate the T0-Large baseline.
  3. Run python stat_result.py to print all results in your terminal.

Note: For T0-Large baseline, we use the same task prompts from PromptSource.

Training CTR

  1. Run sh scripts/run_pretrain_t0_vae_large_no_prompt.sh to train CTR for the first stage.
  2. Run sh scripts/run_pretrain_t0_vae_large_no_prompt_pipe.sh to train CTR for the second stage.


  • For model with CTR, we do not use manual prompt.
  • If you want to generate you P3 dataset from scratch, please refer to ./utils/preprocess_for_P3.py(not recommend, extremely tedious and time-consuming).

Evaluate CTR

Code Ensemble for Zero-Label Learning

Run sh scripts/run_zerolabel_t0_vae_large_no_prompt.sh to select a task code with the highest pseudo-label accuracy.

Bitwise Search for Few-Shot Learning.

  1. Run sh scripts/run_fewshot_discrete_search.sh to find best task code of train tasks.
  2. Run sh scripts/run_fewshot_bitwise_search.sh select the task code with the minimal loss at first step as an initialization, and then bitwise search a better task code.


If you find this resource useful, please cite the paper introducing CTR:

title={Compositional Task Representations for Large Language Models},
author={Nan Shao and Zefan Cai and Hanwei xu and Chonghua Liao and Yanan Zheng and Zhilin Yang},
booktitle={The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations },