Awesome Course by @wesbos for learning JavaScript. It's perfect for both complete beginner and experienced.

N.B: README files will be updated daily. I'll write about specific topics for better understanding.

🌙 Date: 08 April, Wednesday

🔥 Beginner JavaScript 🔥 ⚡ I've gone through these:-

  • ✔ Running and Loading JS
  • ✔ Variables and Statements
  • ✔ Code Quality Tooling with Prettier and ESLint
  • ✔ Types Intro
  • ✔ Types - Strings
  • ✔ Types - Number
  • ✔ Types - Object
  • ✔ Types - Null and Undefined
  • ✔ Types - Boolean and Equality

Now Learning about Functions.

🌙 Date: 08 - 09 April, Thursday, Friday

🔥 Beginner JavaScript 🔥

⚡ I've gone through these:-

  • 🍦 Functions
    • ✔ Functions - Built in
    • ✔ Functions - Custom
    • ✔ Functions - parameters and arguments
    • ✔ Function declearation
  • 🐛 Debugging
  • Scope
  • Hoisting
  • ✔ closures
  • 🔥 DOM
    • ✔ DOM Introduction
    • ✔ DOM - Select Elements
    • ✔ DOM - Element properties..
    • ✔ DOM - working with classes
    • ✔ DOM - custom data-attribute
    • ✔ DOM - creating HTML
    • ✔ DOM - HTML to Strings
    • ✔ DOM - Traversing and Removing Nodes
    • ✔ DOM - CARDIO