
Tensorflow implementation of the paper "Learning-based Lossless Compression Of 3D Point Cloud Geometry"

Primary LanguagePython


Main Modification and TODO List

  • decoder: it now can work for all input resolution (>64) instead of =64
  • TODO: The author use input point cloud for decoding, which should be theoretically identical to the true decoding process (one by one). The project now can achieve lossless compression with input point cloud inputting to decoder. However, due to the float-point accuracy, it can not achieve lossless compression (only nearly lossless compression). Potential solution: add more context for the arithmetic coding or a more advanced one?


  • Python 3.7
  • Tensorflow 2.4.1 with CUDA 10

Run command below to install all prerequired packages:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Prepare datasets

The training data are the .ply files containing x,y,z coordinates of points within a 64x64x64 patch divided from Point Clouds. Our Point Clouds download from ModelNet40,MPEG 8i and Microsoft. The ModelNet40 dataset provides train and test folder separately. For MPEG and Microsoft dataset, you must manually select PCs into train and test. Training data generation is similar to this repo for each dataset. The commands below first select 200 densiest Point Clouds (PC) from ModelNet40, convert it from mesh to PC and then divide each PC into occupied blocks of size 64x64x64 voxels (saved in .ply format)

    python ds_select_largest.py datasets/ModelNet40 datasets/ModelNet40_200 200
    python ds_mesh_to_pc.py datasets/ModelNet40_200 datasets/ModelNet40_200_pc512 --vg_size 512
    python ds_pc_octree_blocks.py datasets/ModelNet40_200_pc512 datasets/ModelNet40_200_pc512_oct3 --vg_size 512 --level 3 

You only need to run the last command for MPEG and Microsoft after selecting PCs into train/ and test/ folder. Note that MPEG 8i and Microsoft are 10-bits point clouds thus, you must change --vg_size to 1024 and --level to 4:

python ds_pc_octree_blocks.py datasets/MPEG/10bitdepth/ datasets/MPEG/10bitdepth_2_oct4/ --vg_size 1024 --level 4

The datsets/ folder of MPEG and Microsoft should look like this:

└── MPEG/
    └── 10bitdepth/              downloaded PCs from MPEG
        ├── train/               contains .ply PCs for training 
        └── test/                contains .ply PCs for validation         
    └── 10bitdepth_2_oct4/
        ├── train/               contains .ply files of 64x64x64 blocks for training 
        └── test/                contains .ply files of 64x64x64 blocks for validation
└── Microsoft/
    └── 10bitdepth/              downloaded PCs from Microsoft
        ├── train/               contains .ply PCs for training 
        └── test/                contains .ply PCs for validation         
    └── 10bitdepth_2_oct4/
        ├── train/               contains .ply files of 64x64x64 blocks for training 
        └── test/                contains .ply files of 64x64x64 blocks for validation


Run the following command:

python3 voxelDNN.py -blocksize 64 -nfilters 64 -inputmodel Model/voxelDNN/ -outputmodel Model/voxelDNN/ -dataset datasets/ModelNet40_200_pc512_oct3/ -dataset datasets/Microsoft/10bitdepth_2_oct4/ -dataset datasets/MPEG/10bitdepth_2_oct4/  -batch 8 -epochs 50


Encoding command:

python3 voxelDNN_abac_multi_res_acc.py -level 10  -ply TestPC/Microsoft/10bits/phil10/ply/frame0010.ply -model Model/voxelDNN/ -depth 3

Run python3 voxelDNN_abac_multi_res_acc.py -h for more details about the arguments. The encoder outputs look like this:

Encoded file:  TestPC/Microsoft/10bits/phil10/ply/frame0010.ply
Encoding time:  7440.565563201904
Models:  Model/voxelDNN/
Occupied Voxels: 1559008
Blocks bitstream:  Model/voxelDNN/frame0010/3levels.blocks.bin
Metadata bitstream Model/voxelDNN/frame0010/3levels.metadata.bin
Encoding statics:  Model/voxelDNN/frame0010/3levels.static.pkl
Metadata and file size(in bits):  11780 1283288
Average bits per occupied voxels: 0.8307

This Model/voxelDNN/frame0010/3levels.static.pkl file contains encoding statics for all blocks 64 including partitioning flags, number of occupied voxels and number of bits spent for each child blocks.


The purpose of our decoder is to make sure the bitstream is decodable and the decoded point cloud is identical to the input point cloud. In order to reduce complexity, the decoder use the input PC to predict the probability distributions. We will obtain the exactly the same distributions as sequential prediction from decoded voxels because of the causality contraints is enforced with masked filters. The distributions are then passed to an arithmetic decoder:

python3 voxelDNN_abac_multi_res_dec.py -ply TestPC/Microsoft/10bits/phil10/ply/frame0010.ply -model Model/voxelDNN/ -output Model/voxelDNN/frame0010/3levels.blocks.bin -metadata Model/voxelDNN/frame0010/3levels.metadata.bin -heatmap Model/voxelDNN/frame0010/3levels.static.pkl


      title={Learning-based lossless compression of 3D point cloud geometry}, 
      author={Dat Thanh Nguyen and Maurice Quach and Giuseppe Valenzise and Pierre Duhamel},