
Self-contained Arcs shell, can be served as-is via gh-pages or rawgit

Primary LanguageJavaScript


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Build Process

In the shell directory:

npm install
npm run build

Subsequently, as long as the package.json remains consistent, just npm run build is required to update the packed browser files.


The simplest way to run tests is to let the targets do all the work. These commands will install all packages, run a build, start a background server, run all the tests, and kill the background server:

npm install
npm test

There are additional targets provided to run subsets of those commands.

  • To start a server, run npm start. This will spin up a server in the current directory serving on 8080.
  • To build packed artifacts, run npm run build.
  • To run tests against a currently running server, with the current set of built artifacts, run npm run test-test.

Debugging tests

If you see errors like

    at new RuntimeError (C:\Users\small\source\arcs\shell\node_modules\webdriverio\build\lib\utils\ErrorHandler.js:144:12)
    at Request._callback (C:\Users\small\source\arcs\shell\node_modules\webdriverio\build\lib\utils\RequestHandler.js:327:43)

It may indicate that chromedriver hasn't been installed completely. Run the install script:

node node_modules\chromedriver\install.js

Debugging Selenium Failures

Selenium failures are often easy to cause due to seemingly unrelated changes, and difficult to diagnose.

There are 2 main avenues to debug them in this system. The first is to have the browser run in a graphical manner (as opposed to the default headless configuration). The second is to actually debug the running selenium instance.

There are some debugging hints (code and configuration you can uncomment to make debugging easier) in test/specs/starter-test.js and test/wdio.conf.js marked with the phrase debug hint.

Graphical (non-headless)

It may be easiest to see the problem in a browser window to diagnose it. Edit wdio.conf.js in the branch with failures, comment out the '--headless' option and increase the mocha timeout. In combination, these two changes will allow you to see what's happening on the screen, and will give you enough time to debug the situation.

arcs/shell> vi test/wdio.conf.js
arcs/shell> git diff test/wdio.conf.js
diff --git a/test/wdio.conf.js b/test/wdio.conf.js
index 0e36452..8ecf3d6 100644
--- a/test/wdio.conf.js
+++ b/test/wdio.conf.js
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ exports.config = {
       chromeOptions: {
         args: [
           // arcs note: comment this out to see the system running
-          '--headless'
+          // '--headless'
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ exports.config = {
   mochaOpts: {
     ui: 'bdd',
     // arcs note: increase this timeout for debugging
-    timeout: 20003
+    timeout: 2000003
   // =====

Then, in your test, you can add a breakpoint (via browser.debug();) to pause execution so you can debug in the browser. It may be worthwhile to add several browser.debug() invocations through your flow to trace execution (.exit will exit the debugger and continue execution of the test).

At that point you can open up DevTools in the browser to debug the current state, or inspect it visually. Some utilities (those in selenium-utils.js, including pierceShadows) have already been loaded.

There are also some commands available natively at that point, including .help and the browser variable (including methods such as browser.execute()).

Attaching a Debugger

To attach a debugger, uncomment the execArgv --inspect configuration option. It's likely that you'll still want to have increased the mochaTimeout and to be running graphically, so those are in the example as well:

arcs/shell> git diff test/wdio.conf.js
diff --git a/test/wdio.conf.js b/test/wdio.conf.js
index 0e36452..4240c0a 100644
--- a/test/wdio.conf.js
+++ b/test/wdio.conf.js
@@ -50,11 +50,12 @@ exports.config = {
       chromeOptions: {
         args: [
           // arcs note: comment this out to see the system running
-          '--headless'
+          // '--headless'
+  execArgv: ['--inspect'],
   // ===================
   // Test Configurations
@@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ exports.config = {
   mochaOpts: {
     ui: 'bdd',
     // arcs note: increase this timeout for debugging
-    timeout: 20003
+    timeout: 2000003
   // =====

When starting, you should see log item like debugger listening on ws:// as normally appears for node debugging. Passing the --inspect argument will also enable the V8 Inspector Integration which may be easier to use (to activate this, look for a node icon in a Chrome DevTools process).

Adding debugger; statements may be the easiest way to activate the debugger. Using browser.debug(); statements to pause execution to give you time to attach a debugger may be helpful as well.