bashgal README Author: Shapor Naghibzadeh <> Date: 11 May 2007 URL: Overview -------- bashgal is simple bash shell script which generates html thumbnail galleries using the "convert" and "jhead" command-line utilities. It requires no special server-side script to run to view image galleries because everything is pre-rendered. As of this writing, it offers several features: - fixed-height thumbnails which fill the browser efficiently - multiple image sizes which can be switched between by the user at any time - css spriting of thumbnails to produce fewer server round trips and overall smaller data tranfer (see - locally previewable galleries by accessing images locally (e.g. file:///home/shapor/pics/blah/index.html) - preloading of previous and next images using JavaScript. (This is *not* required and the gallery functions just fine without JavaScript). - JPEG header EXIF data extraction - auto-rotation of veritcal images This combination of features makes a better user experience than pretty much all the big online photo hosts. All you need is a place to host your plain html/jpeg files. License ------- GNU Public License version 2 Please feel free to fork and modify this on GitHub (, but don't forget to give credit and/or send beer :) Requirements ------------ - GraphicsMagick ( or ImageMagick for the "convert" utility. GraphicsMagick is strongly preferred for performance considerations. If wish to use ImageMagick you must change convert="gm convert" to convert="convert" in the config section of the script. - jhead for exif data extraction On a debian-based system, just run "apt-get install graphicsmagick jhead" as root. Usage ----- bashgal [path] Without specifying a path, bashgal works in the current directory. Just load the [path]/index.html in a browser see the output. [path] should contain a bunch of jpeg files. It does not work recursively (yet). History ------- bashgal started as an alias in my .bashrc because I got sick of typing a command which looked a lot like this every time I would upload a new set of photos to my server: $ for i in *.jpg; do convert -scale x100 $i t-$i; echo "<a href=$i><img border=0 src=t-$i></a>" >>index.html; done Even this simple one-liner gives you a gallery which is better than the majority of the on-line photo hosts. One of my pet-peeves is a tiny window surrounded by white in my huge browser window, requiring me to scroll. Ugh. Details ------- One of the problems which arises with this simple one-liner approach is speed. This is due to the large number of server round-trips required to transfer the many small thumbnails because HTTP and browers don't support pipe-lining of server requests. Additionally, the individual HTTP and JPEG headers end up costing at least a few hundred extra bytes for each thumbnail. This doesn't sound like much at first, but when you have a gallery with hundreds or thousands of images, it adds up quickly. Not to mention, the round-trips alone *kill* high latency connections such as cell-phones. The answer: CSS image spriting. If you're unsure what I mean by this, do a quick Google search and look at the results page. Don't just look at the results, click on view source. It looks like the clever guys over at Google have figured this out as well: I actually got the idea from a web designer (, who was using the technique for javascript dropdown menus, which made me realize you can effectively "chop up" large image files using CSS. By combining all the thumbnails in to large thumbnail "sheets" (again using the trusty "convert" program to append images to rows, and rows together in to sheets), not only did the round trips drop, the over-all data transfer did as well. This is due to the additional compression allowed, especially when "bracketing" photographs, and of course the drastically reduced headers. Some browsers don't like especially large images, so I set up some limits for the sizes of the sheets. It is also nice if you make the sheets approximately the width of the browser because the pixels load top-down. Configurations -------------- TODO, but this is pretty self explanatory by editing the script :) Future (aka TODO) ----------------- - add links to movie files (mpg, avi, etc) - add support for thumbnailing movies and possibly embedding in html - remove Javascript for prev/next image loading (just use an undisplay image with css?) - links to download full-size and RAW images (if provided) - better documentation: - performance comparison with and without CSS spriting - performance data on GraphicsMagick vs ImageMagick