Javascript Assessment Test

Problem 2:

test - prob2.html

The HTML file that contains the form and table elements.

The dropdown should contain all the weeks of the current month.

The button should be labeled "Start Tracking" and positioned in the middle of the screen. When the button is clicked, it should trigger the getWeatherData() JavaScript function that sends an API call to retrieve weather data for the selected week.

The button should be labeled "Generate XML" and positioned in the right of the "Start Tracking" button. When the button is clicked, it should trigger the generateXML() JavaScript function that generates a XML file with the table data.


The JavaScript file that contains the logic for fetching the temperature data from the API and displaying it in the table.

In the JS code, the getWeatherData() function is called when the "Start Tracking" button is clicked. It first gets the selected week from the dropdown and calculates the start and end date of the selected week. Then it constructs the API URL with the calculated dates and makes an API call using the fetch() function.

If the API call is successful, the function loops through the data to create a table with the temperature details and displays it on the page in the table-container div. If the API call fails, an error message is displayed instead.

In the JS code, the generateXML() function is called when the "Generate XML" button is clicked.

To generate an XML file with the temperature data, it can create an XML string by looping through the data object and generating an XML element for each day. Then, it can download the XML file by creating a link element and clicking it programmatically.