
Meraki Dashboard Analytics for (Hourly, daily, weekly) visitor, checkout, purchase counts

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Meraki Dashboard Analytics for (Hourly, daily, weekly) visitor, checkout, purchase counts

Software Requirement

  1. NodeJS & npm
  2. Postgres Database
  3. Visual Studio Code or any other editor of your preference
  4. Prefer chrome or firefox to run the web app

Angular7 Setup Guide

  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Run command: npm install -g @angular/cli

Postgres Database Setup Guide

  1. Install postgres v11 x64
  2. Open pgAdmin
  3. Credentials: password: postgres
  4. (after git clone https://github.com/SatyabrataKundu/merakiRetailAnalytics.git) Go to merakiRetailAnalytics/Middleware/database
  5. Execute all the .sql files in the query tool

Meraki Retail Analytics Web App Setup Guide

  1. Open Command Prompt and navigate to your desired directory
  2. Run command: git clone https://github.com/SatyabrataKundu/merakiRetailAnalytics.git
  3. Run command: cd merakiRetailAnalytics
  4. Run command: cd FrontEnd  npm install  npm start [this installs the required modules and starts the frontend server]
  5. Run command: cd Middleware  npm install  npm start [this installs the required modules and starts the frontend server]
  6. FrontEnd Server: http://localhost:4200/