
Codesignal solutions 👨‍💻

Primary LanguageSQLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

👨‍💻 codesignal

“I never am really satisfied that I understand anything; because, understand it well as I may, my comprehension can only be an infinitesimal fraction of all I want to understand about the many connections and relations which occur to me.”
— Ada Lovelace

Here are my codesignal solutions! I'm using its platform in order to improve my Algorithmic and Coding skills, especially in Python and SQL. It's taking me long hours so far, I'm currently at level 26 and I'm eager to finish the full Arcade Universe plus the Interview Practice. I'm tracking my coding time using rescuetime. If you have any comments or suggestions about my code, please open an issue, I'll very happy reciving any kind of feedback!

I'm also using leetcode, exercism and freeCodeCamp, all are great ways to improve your skills further.


Problem Solution
add add
centuryFromYear centuryFromYear
checkPalindrome checkPalindrome
adjacentElementsProduct adjacentElementsProduct
shapeArea shapeArea
makeArrayConsecutive2 makeArrayConsecutive2
almostIncreasingSequence almostIncreasingSequence
matrixElementsSum matrixElementsSum
allLongestStrings allLongestStrings
commonCharacterCount commonCharacterCount
isLucky isLucky
sortByHeight sortByHeight
reverseInParentheses reverseInParentheses
alternatingSums alternatingSums


Problem Solution
projectList projectList
countriesSelection countriesSelection
monthlyScholarships monthlyScholarships
projectsTeam projectsTeam
automaticNotifications automaticNotifications
volleyballResults volleyballResults
mostExpensive mostExpensive
contestLeaderboard contestLeaderboard
gradeDistribution gradeDistribution
mischievousNephews mischievousNephews
suspectsInvestigation suspectsInvestigation
suspectsInvestigation2 suspectsInvestigation2
securityBreach securityBreach
testCheck testCheck
expressionsVerification expressionsVerification
newsSubscribers newsSubscribers
countriesInfo countriesInfo
itemCounts itemCounts
usersByContinent usersByContinent
movieDirectors movieDirectors
travelDiary travelDiary
soccerPlayers soccerPlayers
marketReport marketReport
websiteHacking websiteHacking
nullIntern nullIntern
legsCount legsCount
combinationLock combinationLock
interestClub interestClub
personalHobbies personalHobbies
booksCatalogs booksCatalogs
habitatArea habitatArea
orderOfSuccession orderOfSuccession
orderingEmails orderingEmails
placesOfInterest placesOfInterest
soccerGameSeries soccerGameSeries
correctIPs correctIPs
validPhoneNumbers validPhoneNumbers
importantEvents importantEvents
dateFormatting dateFormatting
pastEvents pastEvents
netIncome netIncome
alarmClocks alarmClocks
companyEmployees companyEmployees
scholarshipsDistribution scholarshipsDistribution
userCountries userCountries
placesOfInterestPairs placesOfInterestPairs
localCalendar localCalendar
routeLength routeLength
currencyCodes currencyCodes
coursesDistribution coursesDistribution
nicknames nicknames
tableSecurity tableSecurity
restaurantInfo restaurantInfo
studentsInClubs studentsInClubs
emptyDepartments emptyDepartments
sunnyHolidays sunnyHolidays

The Core

Problem Solution
addTwoDigits addTwoDigits
largestNumber largestNumber
candies candies
seatsInTheater seatsInTheater
maxMultiple maxMultiple