minista(ミニスタ)は、React の JSX で書けるスタティックサイトジェネレーターです。Next.js 風の快適な環境で開発しながら 100% 静的に出力できます。SaaS の web テンプレートコーディング業務を想定しているため、ビルド後のデータが綺麗(ヒューマンリーダブル)です。
$ npm init minista@latest
$ npm install --save-dev minista react@17 react-dom@17
public # Copy dist
└── pages # Required!
├── about
│ └── index.jsx
└── index.jsx
const PageHome = () => {
return (
export default PageHome
"scripts": {
"dev": "minista",
"build": "minista build",
"preview": "minista preview",
command | detail |
minista |
Development mode, Press Ctrl+C to stop |
minista build |
Static site generate |
minista preview |
Static data preview |
// minista.config.ts
import { defineConfig } from "minista"
export default defineConfig({
base: "/", // string
public: "public", // string
out: "dist", // string
root: {
srcDir: "src", // string
srcName: "root", // string
srcExt: ["tsx", "jsx"], // string[]
pages: {
srcDir: "src/pages", // string
srcExt: ["tsx", "jsx", "md", "mdx"], // string[]
assets: {
entry: "",
// | string
// | string[]
// | { [key: string]: string }
// | {
// name?: string
// input: string
// insertPages: string | string[] | { include: string[]; exclude?: string[] }
// }[]
outDir: "assets", // string
outName: "[name]", // string
bundle: {
outName: "bundle", // string
partial: {
useSplitPerPage: false, // boolean
usePreact: false, // boolean
useIntersectionObserver: true, // boolean
outName: "partial", // string
rootAttrSuffix: "partial-hydration", // string
rootValuePrefix: "ph", // string
rootDOMElement: "div", // "div" | "span"
rootStyle: { display: "contents" }, // React.CSSProperties
intersectionObserverOptions: {
root: null, // Element | null
rootMargin: "0px", // string
thresholds: [1], // ReadonlyArray<number>
images: {
outDir: "assets/images", // string
outName: "[name]", // string
fonts: {
outDir: "assets/fonts", // string
outName: "[name]", // string
svgr: {
svgrOptions: {}, //
icons: {
useSprite: true, // boolean
srcDir: "src/assets/icons", // string
outDir: "assets/images", // string
outName: "icons", // string
svgstoreOptions: {
cleanSymbols: ["fill", "stroke", "stroke-linejoin", "stroke-width"],
}, //
download: {
useRemote: false, // boolean
remoteUrl: ["https://", "http://"], // string[]
remoteName: "remote-[index]", // string
outDir: "assets/images", // string
vite: {}, //
resolve: {
alias: [], // { [key: string]: string } | { find: string, replacement: string }[]
css: {
modules: {
cache: true,
scopeBehaviour: "local",
globalModulePaths: [],
generateScopedName: undefined,
hashPrefix: "",
localsConvention: "camelCaseOnly",
}, //
preprocessorOptions: {
scss: {},
less: {},
stylus: {},
}, //
markdown: {
syntaxHighlighter: "highlight", // "highlight" | "none"
highlightOptions: {}, //
mdxOptions: {
remarkPlugins: [], //
rehypePlugins: [], //
search: {
useJson: false, // boolean
cache: false, // boolean
outDir: "assets", // string
outName: "search", // string
include: ["**/*"], // string[]
exclude: ["404"], // string[]
trimTitle: "", // string
targetSelector: "[data-search]", // string
hit: {
minLength: 3, // number
number: false, // boolean
english: true, // boolean
hiragana: false, // boolean
katakana: true, // boolean
kanji: true, // boolean
beautify: {
useHtml: true, // boolean
useAssets: false, // boolean
htmlOptions: {
indent_size: 2,
max_preserve_newlines: 0,
indent_inner_html: true,
extra_liners: [],
inline: ["span", "strong", "b", "small", "del", "s", "code", "br", "wbr"],
}, //
cssOptions: {}, //
jsOptions: {}, //
- SSG + Partial Hydration (部分的な React App) - minista v2.4
- Vite と esbuild を組み込み React 製 SSG を再構築 - minista v2
- React で書ける SSG 改善点と今後について - minista v1
- React(JSX)で書けるコーディング用 SSG - minista v0
- Next.js by Vercel - The React Framework
- Charge — an opinionated, zero-config static site generator
- Eleventy, a simpler static site generator.
- Node Interface | webpack
- natemoo-re/microsite
- Astro
- テンプレートエンジンに React を使いつつ、きれいな HTML を生成したいんじゃ!!
- EJS をやめて React で HTML を書く
- MPA(マルチページアプリ)で webpack を使う
- HTML コーディングでも React+TypeScript の開発体験を得る
- Astro と microCMS でポートフォリオサイトを作る